I just watched a video production that I want to share with you.
It contains a powerful message.
A message from an artist.
A message from the common man.
You see, the artist has produced a painting with likenesses of all of our presidents, from Washington to Obama.
I won't spoil it for you, but I think you will likely be as moved as I am.
Moved, and frightened.
My eyes were not opened any wider, but you must understand that I am a realist. You might say I'm a visionary.
You can definitely say that I am a firm believer in our Constitution. You know, that all-so-important document that guarantees every U.S. citizen rights. You'll note that nothing guarantees illegal aliens any of those rights.
Any person at any level who treads on our Constitution is my enemy. Period. Regardless of race, creed, national origin, political persusion, whether male or female, whether homeless or the president of these United States.
Ok, I feel better.
And, a little plug now. If you want to speak your mind, I've taken on a new assignment. I'm hosting a conservative (imagine that) radio talk show Monday thru Friday, 7-9 am. For those in eastern North Carolina, you can tune in to 96.3 FM. It's powerful station, 100-thousand watts powerful, and covers a lot of turf. And, if you're of a mind, I welcome phone calls. 866-963-1037. You'll generally reach our producer, but he'll put you through as quickly as possible.
It contains a powerful message.
A message from an artist.
A message from the common man.
You see, the artist has produced a painting with likenesses of all of our presidents, from Washington to Obama.
I won't spoil it for you, but I think you will likely be as moved as I am.
Moved, and frightened.
My eyes were not opened any wider, but you must understand that I am a realist. You might say I'm a visionary.
You can definitely say that I am a firm believer in our Constitution. You know, that all-so-important document that guarantees every U.S. citizen rights. You'll note that nothing guarantees illegal aliens any of those rights.
Any person at any level who treads on our Constitution is my enemy. Period. Regardless of race, creed, national origin, political persusion, whether male or female, whether homeless or the president of these United States.
Ok, I feel better.
And, a little plug now. If you want to speak your mind, I've taken on a new assignment. I'm hosting a conservative (imagine that) radio talk show Monday thru Friday, 7-9 am. For those in eastern North Carolina, you can tune in to 96.3 FM. It's powerful station, 100-thousand watts powerful, and covers a lot of turf. And, if you're of a mind, I welcome phone calls. 866-963-1037. You'll generally reach our producer, but he'll put you through as quickly as possible.