I come across stories from time to time that are worth repeating. Like this one of a 12 year old Indiana kid who lost his lifelong battle with Leukemia back in April. Cody Green is his name. He suffered over the years, but he was a hero, a brave youngster to the end. His courage was no less great than that of any man or woman, military or civilian.
Cody loved the marines. He would have made a great one.
From our friends across the pond comes this report in the UK's Mail Online. There has been a lot written about this story, both in the US and abroad. I particularly like Mail Online's report. You can read the whole thing by clicking here. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2138308/Heartbreaking-story-terminally-ill-boy-12-marine-honour-guard-hospital-night-died.html
The "Mail" writes (remember, they're writing in British):
Throughout his short life, young Cody Green had admired the bravery of the U.S. Marines.
But after years spent battling leukaemia, it was the youngster's courage fighting cancer which inspired his heroes to honour his bravery.
The 12-year-old from Indiana had suffered from the disease throughout his life. First diagnosed just before his second birthday, he had beaten leukaemia three times - but the chemotherapy had reduced his immune system and, (in April), he died from a fungus which attacked his brain.
And standing guard outside his hospital room that night was a local Marine named Mark Dolfini who was so moved by Cody's continued cancer battle that he decreed the 12-year-old to be a honorary member of the elite military unit.
Close family friend Keristen Ford told MailOnline that Cody was a 'witty' and determined child who never let his continued battles with cancer hurt his spirits.
'He was very aware of his illness he knew exactly what medications he was on and what time he should have them,' Ms Ford said.
'He knew that by him knowing when he had to take his medications and what they were, his mom had to worry less. He was very worried about anyone losing sleep over him.
His mother Tracy Green certainly had a lot on her mind over the past few months, as Cody had two younger brothers and two older stepbrothers.
On top of that, Ms Green was seriously injured at the Indiana State Fair as the country band Sugarland's stage fell. Seven people were killed, and Ms Green was one of the 58 injured. She had to have 30 staples in her skull and had steel rods and pins placed in her leg.
As she recovered, Cody was characteristically caring, helping his mother wash her hair when she had trouble moving in the months following the August 2011 stage collapse.
'When I started walking again after the incident, he was so worried about me, saying "you need to keep your feet up Mom! You have to watch your step,"' Mrs Green told MailOnline.
'He never complained, he never said "why me?" or "I don't want to do this".
'If he got sick, he would finish and say "I'm sorry" because you were holding the bucket for him. I always told him that he had nothing to be sorry about.'
Cody's repeat cancer battle inspired the local Marines, who thought 'he’s fought as hard as any marine has and because of that we’re going to honour him'.
They planned to give him a complete colour guard spectacle, but because Cody's condition was less stable following a stem cell procedure on March 12, they had to suspend those plans for fear of infecting Cody's sensitive immune system.
'He had a passion for our country and our military and it was more the marines got sparked in Cody and they heard of his battle,' Ms Ford told MailOnline.
The youngster's father David Snowberger told local station WLFI: 'They decided Cody, with the strength and honour and courage he showed through the whole thing, he should be a Marine.'
When Cody's condition took a turn for the worse, his family got in touch with a local Marine who said that he would rush to the hospital to be with the boy during his final hours.
Former Marine Mark Dolfini, 39, who was introduced to Cody through Mr Snowberger, presented the boy with a flag and Marine navigator wings.
'Unfortunately, Cody was not awake, he was on a ventilator, but we believe he knew,' Ms Ford said, having been at the hospital at the time of the ceremony.
In keeping with the Corps motto of Semper Fidelis, latin for always faithful, the Marine stood post outside of Cody's door all night, saluting Mrs Green as she went in and out of the room, right up until Cody passed on Saturday.
'The night before Cody passed, he stood guard at Cody's door at the hospital all night long for eight hours straight,' Mr Snowberger said.
Mr Dolfini, who was initially hesitant to go public for fear it would take away from Cody's story, spoke with MailOnline, telling how he knew he had to spend the night guarding Cody's door because it was what he deserved.
'There was no question that was my calling that night,' he said.
'I didn’t give myself a time constraint and I knew I was going to be there as long as I could be.'
The Marine Corp's website states that the title of 'Honorary Marine' reinforces the special bond between the American people and the Corps by 'recognising individuals in the civilian community who have made extraordinary contributions to the Marine Corps.
'The title Marine is a revered designation that affords a special distinction to those who earn it.
'Therefore, only the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) can officially designate an individual as an "Honorary Marine".'
Cody - described by his father as 'a comedian' - was a fifth grade student at Carroll Elementary School in Flora, and his friends spent the first day back at school after his death honouring his memory.
Balloons in his favourite colour of green were released, carrying messages into the sky; green ribbons were tied round the trees and friends hugged each other while wearing green T-shirts and chanting his name.
'He was very witty,' Ms Ford told MailOnline.
'He was very comical. He always made you laugh, and he would always one up you because you couldn’t come up with good comeback quick enough for him! It was as if he had a whole book of them or something!'
His obituary on Jconline reads: 'He never asked "Why Me," and fought the illness with grace and humility, never complaining about his treatment or care, saying "Thank you" to the many health care professionals that cared for him.
All contributions will be donated to the cancer unit at Riley Children's Hospital.