Sunday, June 16, 2013

My Sunday Rantings: Obamas going to Africa. NSA Snoops. Gun rights grabbers. IRS Brown Shirt Brigade.

From various sources:
The first couple’s (first) summer vacation will include a trip back to the motherland, according to the White House, as they embark on a three-country tour of Africa in late June and early July.

Obama and the first lady are preparing for the big trip, where they will meet with leaders, government officials, locals and youth.

The tour is scheduled from June 26 to July 3.

Both the president and first lady have made previous trips to Africa. Obama visited Ghana in July 2009 and his wife traveled to South Africa and Botswana since entering the White House.

Obama has a special tie to Africa, as his father is from Kenya. This will be Obama’s first trip to South Africa as president.

(The estimated tax dollars to pay for this vacation…100-million. To include bullet proof glass for the hotel where he’ll be staying. And, he’s taking along some special snipers, just in case those republican wild animals get aggressive on a safari. So much for his gun control position.)

Wonder why he didn’t go to Africa for Father’s Day? Or, to at least invite his dad to the White House.

I do have a suggestion. While he’s out of the country…OUR country…we should take the opportunity to close our borders, and require him to produce a passport to get back in. When I visit other countries, I must have a passport to get back into the US. And, I had to have a birth certificate to get my passport. Hmmmmm.

The NSA Snoops on the loose.
Facebook and Microsoft received thousands of requests from U.S. government agencies to turn over user data in the last six months of 2012. No numbers are available for the first six months of this year.

Representatives of both companies said that after negotiations with national security officials, their companies have been given permission to make new but still very limited revelations about government orders requesting user data.
First, control the language, take away the guns, and you control your subjects.
Facebook is only allowed to talk about total numbers and must give no specifics.

Facebook received between 9,000 and 10,000 government requests from all government entities from local to federal in the last six months of 2012, on various topics. The requests involved the accounts of between 18,000 and 19,000 Facebook users.

Microsoft received between 6,000 and 7,000 criminal and national security warrants, subpoenas and orders affecting between 31,000 and 32,000 accounts.

Want to know if YOUR account is one of those targeted? You might try filing a Freedom of Information request. I doubt you’ll get very far, unless you have attorneys that are more powerful, politically, than Eric-The-Red Holder. But, it would be fun if a few million of us submitted such requests. It would certainly keep the AG’s office busy. And, it might prevent them from committing additional felonies, like selling guns to drug dealers in Mexico. Of course, a word of warning…it could also result in being targeted by the Brown Shirt IRS Brigade. 

You should, by now, understand just how powerful and oppressive our government has become. Checks and Balances have gone out the window. We, as Americans…once free…now cower in corners, afraid to speak our minds. “They” have won, and “We” have lost. What next? Tracking how you vote on all of those electronic, computer voting machines? Think that’s impossible? Think again.
Here’s my take on the last six months. Since the Obama rights-grabbing administration didn’t get its way with the legislature and snatch up the guns of millions of law abiding citizens, the hooligans began gearing up to go after us in other ways.
In a war, you must first identify the enemy. They did just that. We all spoke out, and they were paying attention. With Obama’s equivalent of Hitler’s Brown Shirts…the IRS and the NSA and the Department of Health (I’ll explain later)…they gathered intel. Now, in what is going to be some sort of sneak attack, they’re making an end run. A frontal assault did not work. We can and did do battle with them when we can see them.
But, the sneaky little buggers are working it. They acknowledge a federal snoop’s allegations that they have the ability to listen in to our phone conversations and read our e-mails, but maintain it’s only to be used to fight terrorism. Do you think they consider gun owners terrorists? Oh, hell yeah! No doubt about it. With the technology to track us wherever we go, eavesdrop as we brag to each other about our most recent gun purchase, read our e-mails to see what our next plans are, check out the gun-type of web sites we visit… you get the picture.
They can send in the Brown Shirts to really dig into our tax returns…I mean REALLY dig into them…they can check with doctors and pharmacists to see what ails us…they can wage a war like you’ve never seen before in this country. It will not surprise me to see the likes of George Washington, Ben Franklin, and other brave men who took a chance, to rise up as zombies, and do battle with what has become a tyrannical government. 
"The commitment of this president and the vice president to taking action to reduce gun violence is as strong today as it was at the beginning of the year and in the wake of Newtown," White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters on Wednesday.
Hogwash! That’s the paid liar speaking. “…take action to reduce gun violence”? No, if the administration really wanted to do some good, it would seek the stiffest of penalties, including the ultimate, for violent criminals. Once they’re locked up, or dead, then gun violence will go down. And, a byproduct of that will be that property crimes, narcotics crimes, rapes, robbery…all will go down. Why can’t those clowns that 51% of you returned to the top level of our government see this? Please, remove your heads from either the sand or your rectum, before it’s too late.