Monday, April 23, 2012

Well, well. I have been bizzie...

...and, I sincerely apologize for not posting my rantings and ravings. As you have likely found out, I have taken on the additional chore of a morning talk show on Thunder Country, 96.3, WRHT. The station's transmitter, 100-thousand watts of it, is located near Morehead City NC. The show is called Live and Local and my partner-in-crime and I say pretty much what we think. And, we take calls from you folks who want to agree or disagree with us. If you're in eastern NC, give us a "listen-up", Monday-Fridays 7-9 am. If you want to chat with us, call during that time. 866-963-1037. You'll get our producer, Jeff Hackett. He does NOT screen the calls. He simply gets some basic info so he can I-M me, letting me know who's calling and what they want to talk about. All we ask is that you keep it clean.

You don't have to agree with either of us. And, we'll listen to most anything you have to say. Of course, you must understand that we may challenge you. That makes for good conversation. We're always interested in government waste, and if you have examples, let us know. We'll
investigate, and try to get a response for you.

We talk, a lot, about local, state and national politics. We are conservative-oriented, and we express our viewpoints. We a pro-military, and pro law enforcement. We talk about important social issues, we say the things that others won't say (except those shock talk-show guys who say outrageous things just to get your blood boiling, oftentimes, without any facts), but I think we use a lot of good old common sense when we take positions.

We think that it is the DUTY and responsibility of every qualified US citizen to vote, but that they should vote responsibly, and not because of race or gender. Our leaders should be seen as neither man nor woman, nor black nor white.

We do not believe that being born poor, rich, black, white, man or woman entitles you to anything other than the rights guaranteed by the Constitution. There is no such thing as entitlement. There are classes in this country, but that doesn't mean that a person in one class can't move up or down or sideways to another class. That's life.

We think that the people who make money are good people. Without big business, there will be fewer employment opportunities for the rest of us. I really want enjoy working for a rich boss and a viable company. Yes, you and I help them get richer. And, when they get richer, they pay more taxes. I believe everyone, including big business, should pay their fair share, and I am not smart enough to know what that is. And, neither are you. I do feel that the more fair taxes they pay, the better off this country is.

My partner's name is Bill Hitchcock. He's been in the radio/TV/production business for a long time, and has produced saltwater fishing shows for a long time. All in all, a pretty good guy.

Bill and I don't always agree with each other, but our disagreements are good natured ones. We like fishing, and we are pro-God and pro-gun, but we're not stupid. We do not believe that every person out there should be armed. There are nuts running know who they are...there are crooks out there...and, these folks should have nothing more powerful than a cap pistol.

One area where we agree is politics. Too many politicians, not enough statesmen. We have enough laws- they just need to be enforced by police, judges AND THE PRISON SYSTEM. That's what we think.

We feel that Beverly Perdue, the first woman governor of North Carolina, is a joke and a disgrace to all women. Thank goodness, as you've read here already, that she got a little smarter during her first term, and chose not to seek a second one. The handwriting was all over the wall, the floor, and the ceiling. Raleigh and all of North Carolina gains, New Bern (her hometown) loses.

And, we are absolutely flabbergasted that Barack O-damn-Bama is the president of the greatest nation on this earth. What were the voters thinking? I am firmly convinced that Daly's Chicago politics remains alive and has infected the entire nation with a virus more powerful than any that have attacked our computers.

Along that line, I want to share my comments that I wrote recently in response to a YouTube posting that a high school classmate forwarded to me. And, I'll share her response, without giving her name (because I haven't asked her permission). What prompted all of it was the revelation, as I discussed on Live and Local that the fine folks at Homeland Security had ordered 450-MILLION rounds of .40 caliber handgun ammo. Now, folks, even for me, that's a lot of bullets. For more than one reason, I expressed concerns about this purchase:

For one reason or another, either Obama or his successor (Biden, in case something happens to Obama) will be forced to declare martial law when riots break out. ALL rights guaranteed by the Constitution will be suspended. That will include free speech (there goes talk radio), assembly (no one able to organize), and possession of guns.
The US Government, for many years, has been gathering details on private gun ownership. This is done through sales, registration, and other ways. Once martial law is declared, the goons will go door to door, collecting guns. Going up against armed citizens, those goons will need lots of ammunition to meet with what is sure to be heavy resistance.
This, no doubt, will be the end of the United States as we have known it for more than 200 years. It will be the beginning of a socialist dictatorship.

My friend responded, writing:

Please dear God, not in our lifetime. We would never recover...and yet Raeford, if he is killed, I can see it happening...look what they did when Dr King was killed. Raeford, I was having such a good Saturday before I read this email! It's good to know I have a friend who thinks and speculates and probably prays too...that the speculation will not come to pass. I enjoy hearing from you and I wish your morning radio show was on the internet.

My thanks for the comments you post, and for those of you who have called us. As always, we welcome you opinions.

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