Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election: OVER! Gone but not forgotten. Who won? Not us. Whoever "us" is.

Well, the election has come and gone, and I...for so relieved. I don't have to listen to the lies, the insults, the ridiculous claims that have bombarded my fortified stronghold any longer. Oh, I'm not talking about the claims from the candidates. I'm referring to the insults from our journalists. You know, the group that is suppose to be fair and impartial. Reporters who don't distort facts through admission or outright editing for content. I remember a time, a long time ago. Or, as any Fair Tale beings: "Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a fair, impartial, and dedicated breed of man known as reporters. Men, and a few women, who didn't dress like movie stars, who didn't socialize with policians. True journalists who devoted their time and energy into getting the scoop. Yes, they wanted dirt. But, only if dirt actually existed. They dug for facts, and did not let their personal feelings interfere with their mission of getting to the truth. Neither republican, nor democrat, this apparently extinct breed were the true independents of their day, a day that has long ceased to exist". If truth be known, the journalists of yesteryear, regardless of their formal education, were perhaps the best educated voters in this country. They let the truth influence their personal, and therefore their readers', opinions. Presenting "just the facts, ma'm" allowed the masses, the voters, to actually think for themselves. It allowed them to challenge lies or half-truths made by policians stumping for votes. Today, because of social-politicking, invites to the White House for a beer or a dinner or some other social event, reporters wearing red-carpet dresses and suits fit for, well, a king or queen, can't help but to be swayed. It has become so obvious to everyone but themselves. Even the late night comics make fun of these new age journalists. For one, I am sick and tired of it. And, I am so embarrassed by the antics of them that I am almost ready to support a modification of the First Amendment. And, shame on me. "In order to guarantee unbiased reporting, no journalist shall be allowed to attend any political functions on a social level; and, no journalist shall have a right to register as anything other than an independent". Now, that is saying more than you can imagine. Coming from me, a staunch supporter of the Constitution. Me, who has maintained that, left alone and adhered to, this 200-plus year old foundation can return this country into the great nation it was. Shame, shame on me for allowing a thought that the Constitution should be modified to even cross my path. wouldn't work, anway. We, as a nation of people and not sheeple, need to insist that the bosses who control who is hired in the media wake up and smell the roses. Otherwise, there will come a time when someone is going to slither in (or, maybe he has) and seize control, and then we will have issues with more than the First and Second Amendments (gotta get rid of that pesky little second one before attempting to work on the others). These are my opinions for you to share if you desire, or send to the if you prefer.

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