Sunday, May 5, 2013

CBS's Face the Nation led with an “exclusive” which Darrell Issa, Chairman of the House Committe on Oversight and Government Reform, gave host Bob Schieffer about the upcoming testimony from Greg Hicks, the second in command in Libya at the time of the Benghazi attacks.

Schieffer opened…in his words: “there is new information raising questions about whether there was a cover-up by the State Department to deflect criticism that it had ignored requests for more security for its people in Libya.”

Hicks’ story contradicts what US officials had claimed on CBS’ Face The Nation just five days after the attack last September. That attack, the “officials” said, was spontaneous….unplanned…and the president and his band of liars blamed it on some anti Muslim video on You Tube. A crock of crap that 51% of the voters bought two months later during the election scam.
Think about how we laugh when other countries, like Venezuela, continue to elect lying leaders. We know those elections are crooked, and many realists have felt the same way about our very own election last November. After all, what reasonable person would have bought the lies perpetrated by the con artists occupying the Oval Office?
California’s Congressman Darrel Issa, a republican, was Shieffer’s special guest.

You may remember UN Ambassador Susan Rice, the administration’s mouthpiece who said the Benghazi attack was unplanned, and there was no evidence of a terrorist connection…when everybody not on an uninhabited island knew better. In fact, on Face the Nation, the newly elected president of Libya acknowledged the attacks had to be planned. And, on the same program, Rice basically called him…a country’s leader…a liar.
Seems that Schieffer of CBS is finally catching on. As the facts become remarkably clear, the network of Edward R. Murrow, Douglas Edwards, and Walter Cronkite days is seemingly seeing the light. They’re playing catchup to Fox News, of course. And, in spite of the new facts, the unrealistic folks at NBC gave the upcoming hearings barely a mention. I can’t wait to see how they come on with BREAKING NEWS when the truth hits the fan.
Some democrats are distancing themselves from Obama. Massachusetts Representative Steve Lynch told Fox News that the prepared statement was, in his words, “scrubbed”. In other words, cleaned up, and he thinks it was to reflect Obama’s claim that the war on terror was over. “It was totally inaccurate. There's no excuse for that. It was false information.  And what they try to do is harmonize what happened in Benghazi with what happened everywhere else across the Middle East.”

Did the Obama administration intentionally lie? If you think they did, was it for political reasons, religious reasons…or is there another reason?
What part of the cover-up, as many are now calling this, did then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton play? As the hearings begin, will their outcome have any impact on the current administration’s ability to continue to rule this country? Is there any way that Clinton could be elected president in 2016?

A lot to think about in the coming days, weeks, months and years.
I remind you that the lies and scams surrounding the Nixon years brought down a president. And, not one person was killed during that mess.

And, now…we are relying on a lame-duck, lying president, to deal with the CIVIL war in Syria. Oh, yeah. I feel real good about this. More of our guys likely headed into harms way, and for what reason. That's not a question. It's a statement.

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