Monday, October 31, 2011

What's with this thing of being Handicapped?

Yeah, we see them all the time. Handicap Placards for their cards, parking in spaces designated for folks with those stickers. Yes, I know there are some who take advantage of those stickers. Like the idiot at Kure Beach who always parked in a handicap space, proudly displaying his sticker. But, I learned that he really wasn't handicapped, at all. I learned that he had the sticker because his wife was handicapped. Only thing is that I never once saw his wife with him. In fact, I never, ever saw her at all. But, there he was, taking up a handicap space, meant for someone who actually needed to park there.
Another one of those jerks we encounter as we make our way through life.

And, speaking of handicapped. We have all read and watched stories about soldiers and others who have overcome their handicaps, and moved on. With the help of modern science and technology, they live as normal a life as can be expected. Men, and women, with one leg playing basketball, running marathons and the like. It takes more than just marvelous mechanical devices to make that work. It takes a desire and willpower on their part. And, my hat's off to them all.

Now, I get this piece of video. A cool performance by a young Chinese lass. Tickling the ivories, she is, as well as anyone I've ever heard. I was confused, at first, when I was told she was handicapped. Maybe in our minds, she has a handicap. But, listening to her play the piano, I cannot find, for the life of me, anything handicapped about her. Ok, so she has no fingers on one hand. But, that hasn't slowed her down one bit.

Take a listen:


  1. When my step daughter Nana was ten, she observed a 6'6" bodybuilder get out of a sportscar he had just parked in a handicap parking place. Yes the car had a hanger on the rear view mirror. She made a comment all in the parking lot could hear. "Look, he parked in the handicap spot...must be paralysed from the neck up!" All he could do was glare. Oh, I love that girl!

  2. RB,I understand and I wish our elected officials would take on our social security disability laws. Here's an counselor with me, retired 4 years ago after 31 years with the state...full retirement...and because she is legally blind, she immediately applied for social security disability and was an automatic qualifier. Go figure. Then there are the Business enterprise vendors within Services for the Blind, who run the rest stop vendings along our interstate highways and the cafeterias in Fed I know here in Winston, declared 117,000 dollars 4 years ago...and legally collects social security disability because she's blind. Family members fill the machines etc for her as a paid employee of her "business". She also gets state insurance...all because she's blind. No body has a better lobby than the blind! ghc
