Scandal. Interesting word. Too often, scandals
involve illicit sex. Somebody, somewhere, getting screwed. Right? Well, yes.
And, well, no. We the People, 100% of
us, are getting what 51% of us asked for. We’re getting screwed. Scandal after
scandal. And, We the People are
We have become the
laughing stock of the world. Other world leaders, the people of the world (the
free world and beyond), make fun of us every day. They snicker, sometimes
behind closed doors, more often than not, out in public for the rest of the
world to see. Even their journalists, print and broadcast, laugh at us, and
even flip us the bird on TV.
And, why is it
that way? Growing up, I quickly learned that we—Americans-- could and should hold
our heads high, not so high as to drown when it rains, but to show our pride in
what our forefathers accomplished. To be proud of how far we’ve come in such a
short period of time, that’s what I learned. You see, in the universe of
governments and nations, the United States of America is pretty darn old. When
I was in school, this country was less than 200 years of age. Our system of
government has survived the tests of time, the tests of good leaders and bad.
But, we always survived. Through wars, including a war that divided us into the
North and the South. Wars where we were attacked, where we fought back and
prevailed. Our system is a good one. And, it’s worked well for us for a long
Throughout all
this, we have stuck together. One way or the other. When the chips were down,
we rallied ‘round the flag, we banded together, and we beat back our enemies,
regardless of who they were. You see, we were like a family. We may squabble
among ourselves, but when it comes to someone else picking on any one of us,
well…all I can say is that you’d better be careful.
At least, that’s
how it once was. In my day.
Unfortunately, as
I see it today, we have changed. We are no longer united in our stand against
what we once considered a common enemy. We bow down, we kiss butts, we do
everything we can to buy friends.
And, let me tell you, that tactic never---EVER---works. Those kinds of friends
will use us until we’re all used up. Then, they’ll move on to another sucker
who wants some friends.
We did it, I hope,
out of the goodness of our hearts. We are a compassionate people. And, that’s
good. However, there is a time when we need to think about who we’re helping,
and whether buying friends will benefit us. We have done it for humanitarian
reasons. To help individuals who
needed a helping hand. And, that’s a worthy thing to have done.
But, what good did
it do? Other than to make us, perhaps, feel good?
We didn’t do it to
get something in return. That’s not the way charity is meant to work. But,
feeding a mad dog that turns around and bites you when you stop feeding it is
not the intended outcome, either. As long as we continue feeding the dogs,
we’ll be ok. Of course, more dogs will show up, and before we know what’s
happened, the dogs of the world will be looking for a handout. And, when we
stop feeding them, they will ban together and attack us.
Back to the
scandals. Not the sex kind, though they have certainly made a lot of quiet
headlines over the decades. How about the scandals that actually mean
something? Of course, most will point at Watergate, a major political scandal
that brought down a president. But, that’s just one. How about the scandals of
a more recent time? Let’s take a look at the last five years. And, just the
high government scandals. We have, apparently, a group of rascals in charge
that have virtually no real world experience, who have Chicago-politics as a textbook, and who could care less about the
masses in this country. Other than building a huge government, a government
that requires a huge budget, a budget that requires more and more money to
maintain, do tell me something good that has come from our current
Let me name a few.
We have Benghazi. Four Americans, including an ambassador, were murdered in
2012, and their murders have gone unresolved. We have a liar in the
administration who told some administration-concocted story about an unknown
internet video causing hate and discontent in the Muslim world, thus justifying
the murders of these Americans.
We have the
administration now telling the Department of Defense to turn over all of the
documents related to the extermination of the head of the world’s terrorists to
the CIA. Why? To keep those documents out of the hands of journalists,
journalists who have finally become a bit disenfranchised with the
administration that kept them under control, that sold them a bill of goods,
for some five years. What is Obama trying to hide?
administration has issued more than one executive order to protect itself from
public scrutiny. Let’s talk about the failed, but deadly, Fast and Furious campaign orchestrated by the top law dog, the US
Attorney General. The scheme, regardless of what you’ve been lead to believe,
was to prove that guns were readily accessible to underworld thugs. Well, they
are. Especially if our federal agents buy them and sell them to the drug cartel
in Mexico. Who was going to stop those agents? They were doing it at the
direction of the Attorney General. No doubt, those agents were led astray. They
had no idea what the outcome was going to be. The AG did, and he should be held
accountable. Those guns were used to murder hundreds of Mexicans and, as we
have since learned, one Border Patrol agent. That agent’s blood is all over the
hands of the man that our president is protecting under a blanket of Executive Privilege. He will not allow
evidence of this illegal and scandalous operation to be made public, even to a
Congressional investigative committee. Why, you would want to know? Because it
will point to the administration’s unspoken plan to disarm the American public.
In order for this
unknown, inexperienced clown from Chicago to get elected in 2008, he had to
convince the voters that he was not anti-gun. Unfortunately, most of the voters
fell for the BS. And, he was elected. The plan was placed in motion, and if all
had gone as schemed, the American public would have bought into the idea that
there were too many guns floating on our streets, and the majority of you would
have gone along with a disarmament program. Only an unarmed nation can become subjects.
The plan
backfired, and some of the details were revealed. Enough details to scare the
Obama crowd. And, thus was issued the hide-the-facts
Executive Order. Protect the AG, at all costs, because if Eric Holder goes
down, Obama will soon follow.
And, We the People did nothing. We re-elected
the Chicago hood to a second term. Even as four Americans were barely cold in
their graves just two months before that election.
We have
Obama-careless. A plan that no one, including those idiots we elected, have
read, much less understand. A scandal full of baloney, one that require several
generations of future senators and congressman to study it thoroughly, look
back and ask, “what the hell were you thinking?”.
And, who can get
over revelations that our alphabet agencies are eavesdropping on telephone conversations
and checking e-mails? Ok, I’ll give you this one. This is nothing new. And,
while most of us suspected this was the case, we believed…and still do, many of
us…that it’s in the interest of national security. Still, the defection of a
contract worker for the NSA, and his revelation of goodness knows what type of
intelligence he may have come in possession of, is scandalous and another black
eye for America.
To every
hardworking taxpayer from sea to shining sea, I don’t know anyone
who isn’t a little more than ticked off with the IRS. And, to have these
federal brown shirts targeting the conservative among us for special attention brings out the rabid
animal instinct in me. Mr. Obama. What are YOU thinking? Taking no action after
the revelations came to the surface? That’s just downright irresponsible. But,
all too typical for this administration, with a community organizer from
Chicago at the helm.
Oh, yeah. Almost
forgot. Bugging the phones and e-mails of Associated Press journalists, again
in the name of national security. The administration’s claim that they had
American’s national security in their heart, is more political baloney. Making
sure that all of us, including those leaking info, knew “they were watching and
listening” had the premeditated impact. Sources dried up. Journalists protect
sources as a matter of doing their jobs, but they cannot protect them from the
Chicago gangland tactics of the Obama administration.
These are not all
of the scandals involving the Obama administration. It just makes me sick and
disappointed that we the people have
done nothing about it. We had the chance in 2012, but 51% obviously didn’t
think the scandals were really all that bad. There’s another opportunity in 2014,
when all 435 US Congressmen, and 1/3 of the 100 US Senators are up for possible
replacement. If we are to be heard, a strong message, a Lima Charlie message, must be sent to Washington. Until we stand
united, with a strong and powerful voice, the 49% of us will have to suffer
along with the others who can’t get their heads out of the sand.