Saturday, December 18, 2010

Grandma and the Airport
The song conatined in this attachment is funny. Yep, real funny. Reminds me of that little ditty Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer. Lyrics were cute first time I heard it, and they still are.
But, after listening to this "cute" song, there's a message at the end that we need to consider.
A lot.
We are slowly being stripped of OUR rights.
The ones that our forefathers fought and died for.
The same ones that our brave troops fight to maintain every day.
In order to spare the feelings of a FEW, a miniscule minority when compared to those affected, we must surrender our rights.
What happened in this country? Have the terrorists actually won?
If we want to safeguard our citizens, and I really hope we do, then why not do what I do at home when I don't want bad people coming in? I LOCK the door, set the alarm, and keep the "ultimate" close by (just in case all else fails). I certainly don't stop every car driving by, or confront every pedestrian walking in front of my house, and strip search them, telling them that unless they allow such action, I won't let them go any further.
What, I ask again, has happened to us? I really thought "us" was in charge. But, alas, that certainly isn't the case. "Them", the minority who's feelings we would hurt if we profiled them, is in charge.
The terrorists are winning this war, not in Afghanistan, Iraq, or Pakistan. Our marines, soldiers, airmen and sailors are seeing to that.
They are beating us on our own soil.
They, not "us", are taking away our freedoms, one at a time.

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