Friday, December 17, 2010

TGIF...or, maybe not. Christmas Parties and Whatnot

This might sound more like a New Years commentary, but I have a reason for the timing.
In a week, it will be CHRISTmas.
A time to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
A time to rejoice, regardless of one's faith...or lack of.
It's also the season of partying. Partying with friends and relatives, rubbing elbows with the rich and famous, the politicians.
Oh, yeah.
As an "always on duty" journalist, way back then, I could never go anywhere or do anything when I didn't think of "news". Even though I'm 18 months away from that life, I often ( wife...will say too often) find myself still thinking like one.
I remember those parties, and I took advantage of them. And, I'm not ashamed of it. What better time to get the truth from a political "leader" than when he or she is "partying"? The truth serum freely flows t most of these events. And, as normal citizens, you can sorta do the same thing I did. And, you can go one step further, as constituents. Do you have a message that you want to get across to those you elected but can never reach "during business hours"? I can see your wheels turning,
Well, let me tell you, a bit of Christmas cheer can make YOUR leaders readily accessible.
Something stuck in your craw? Something your mayor, county commissioner, congressman--whatever--do that you don't like? Have they been dragging their heels instead of working? For you? Been recklessly spending your money?
Well, no one promised them a rose garden when they were elected, but as I recall, pretty much each and every one of them made that promise to us as part of their campaign promises. In one way or the other.
So, why not take advantage of them when their defenses are down? Not like they haven't taken advantage of us while ours were down. Right?
Meanwhile, as they say, "...back at the ranch...". Time to change horses. Yep, in mid-stream.
Just a week to go before the big day.
Forget the presents and efforts to impress friends and relatives with how much "stuff" you can buy them.
The best Christmas is the one when you're together.
Want to know how much those "gotta buy 'em something" gifts mean? Check out Craigs List or one of the on-line yard sales sometime, say, the first week after the new year. You might see the stuff you gave being sold. At a fraction of the price you paid. My suggestion is that you buy it back. Next year, if you insist on overloading your friends and relatives with junk gifts, you won't have to spend as much.
An exception to this, as there is with pretty much any rule or suggestion:
Don't forget the kids.
Christmas GIVING is for them.
Not us.
If you think you MUST give people like me a gift, then buy a gift for a kid, and give it to the Toys For Tots guys. You can send me a note saying that the gift you have for me is a whatchamacallit toy that went to this fine organization.
Might be a little late for this year's distribution, but I'm reasonably sure they stockpile toys for next year, too.
Merry Christmas.
And, yes, I'll have more next week.
(If you bump into any political leaders, tell them I said "howdy")

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