Thursday, June 16, 2011

The difference betwen this nation and the Boy Scouts of America is...

Got an e-mail in response to the blog about the North Carolina republican senators and their backroom deals. The deal that took the meat out of a state house bill that would have certtainly sent a lot of illegal aliens who are sucking up jobs in the state packing.

The writer, a longtime friend, said it was time to start a we the people movement, a movement to restore government.

Wouldn't that be nice. Not a question. A statement.

I gave it some thought, and my reply to him went something like this:

Unless we take some extremely drastic action, something more meaningful than all the lip service politcal wannabes continue to give us, there's not much hope for this country. It is headed for the toilet.
Every young man and woman entering the US Marine Corps is taken to his knees, beginning with his first day in boot camp..
This once great country is headed for its knees, too.
The strong and women...will fight their way to their feet.
They will stand taller than ever.
They will be stronger than ever.
First thing, though, is to get beaten down.
Now, for the unfortunate part.

The difference between a marine and this country is that the marine has someone looking out for him. Someone to protect him while he's building his character, his strength. He has adult leaders. Much like the Boy Scouts of America.
This country has excuses for leaders that we, the ignorant ones, have allowed to take over. While this country is on its knees, it will be taken over. The process has begun. This country marked its 200th anniversary in 1976. It will not be a country, as we knew it, that will celebrate 300 years. The 250th anniversary will be completely meaningless.
With no respect from the excuse for a commander-in-chief for our flag, for our national anthem, for our country, with nothing but personal greed controlling the decision-making processes by almost every  elected leader at every level, what would you expect?

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