Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Radio Show. Live and Local with Raeford and Friends. On Thunder Country.

In case I haven't told you, I am hosting a daily talk radio show out of Jacksonville NC. I'm in Jacksonville, the transmitter and tower are nearby, just otuside Morehead City. And, if you've read any of my blogs, you'll understand when I say that I lean towards the conservative side just a bit. If you want to listen in, and you're within range, tune your FM dial to 96.3 from 7-9 am Monday-Friday. It's teh All New Thunder County. And, if you want to weigh in on pretty much any topic, make a note of this number: 866-963-1037. We talk politics, we speak military, we love to talk about the politics of fishing, and we regularly bash Barack Obama and NC Governor Beverly Perdue.

I'm not necessarily radical...except in certain areas. I am definitely opinionated. That's what Talk Radio is all about. And, I may be persuaded to see it your way, even if it differs from my own point of view. That means, I guess, that I am rational. Up to a point.

For instance, it's doubtful that anything can happen to cause me to vote for Barack Obama. I may have been on the fence, at times, in 2008. I did fall on the opposite side on voting day, but it had to do with choosing what I perceived to be the lesser of two evils. To be more accurate, it had to do with choosing the least inexperienced and the more worldly of the choices we were given.

What's disgusting is that I am once again finding myself in that same boat. Would someone with some real credentials puh-leeze come forward, step up to the plate, and take a swing at the office of president? I'm so tired of voting against candidates. I want to be able to support someone, anyone with a solid plan. I want a candidate who will tell me what he will do to fix our mess. A candidate who will refrain from taking shots at the other candidates. In other words, we need someone who is the BEST person for the job. Not someone who can only shoot down the other contenders.

Forward-thinking is what we need. We certainly did not get it with O-Damn-Bama. All he's done for three years is blame the previous administration. Of course, what else could he do? His so-called positive plans were soon found to have more holes in them than a collander. Kinda like putting a screen door on a submarine.

The Hope and Change that all of us secretely wished for, even if we did not vote for BO, simply vanished. The real but untold reason for electing a fresh face, someone that the apparent majority of US voters chose, soon became apparent. It was because the politically correct crowd  thought it would be cool to have a black president. That was about as dumb a reason as McCain's decision to select a woman as his VP running mate. Just because she was a woman.

I will admit that Sarah Palin did a lot of good for Alaska. And, she might have made for a good vice president. But, we were not selecting a VP, we wanted a Number One guy. We wanted a Commander in Chief. We wanted the best of the best to lead the Greatest Nation on Earth. We wanted a leader of the Free World, one who could command respect anywhere he went. What we got was Barack Obama. A joke in pretty much all other parts of the world, and a joke even among the silent majority members of his own party.

For 2012, as I have said time and again, the November election will decide whether BO gets another four years to straighten up our mess, or whether Mitt Romney will get a shot. He squeaked by in the Iowa caucus, but it was a virtual and mathematical tie. As I blogged earlier, until the republicans unite and stop shooting each other down, no republican currently in the running stands a chance against the incumbent in November. The choices are simple: republicans must either unite behind the person most likely to beat Obama, or find another candidate who has never done anything to anyone at anytime. Maybe there's another community organizer hiding out somewhere who happens to be a republican. And, if he or she can make his or her birth certificate just disappear, at least until after the election, he or she just might stand a chance of winning a majority in November.

Briefly, on Perdue. Not a lot to discuss. She's a one-term, do nothing governor. Makes no difference that she's a woman or a democrat. She doesn't stand a chance in November.

I invite all who want to discuss politics to give us a call, Monday-Friday, 7-9 am. 866-963-1037. Just be civil and keep it mostly clean. Live and Local with Raeford and Friends.   


  1. I love listening to your talk show every morning! Its great to find a talk show that is talking about local news and happenings!Do you have a FB page that I can share?

    1. Thank you for the comments. And, feel free to request me to be a friend on Facebook. Though, honestly, I don't spend a lot of time there.

  2. How do we catch the show if we missed part of it this morning?

  3. I listen to you guys every mornig on my way to work and I have found that I do so because I have yet to disagree with anything you have said. I personally feel I could do a bette job being President than this freak we have now. My only downfall is no govt experience, other than being a govt employee as a Marine. However, a lot of our problems (illegals, welfare, health care, unemployment, etc.) seem pretty straight forward. It's time to get back to the basics, and stop being so politically correct. Sometimes, people's feelings are going to get hurt, and that's ok! I can promise you that our founding father's had thick enough skin, that the words didn't hurt as much as seeing their fellow man having his rights taken away, or their freedoms. This country was founded by God worshipping men who were a heck of a lot smarter than we are now, and they did it right. Obviously, through time and change, things needed to be maybe re-worded, or new laws made, but for the most part, the original papers (Bill of Rights, Constitution) still work today. And the last thing I wanted to mention, the Army SSgt should be punished for what he did, but with it kept in mind that he had his brain injury (I'm not much of a supporter for PTSD). He also needs to still answer for what he did to that OH couple. The Major, needs to have tires put on his chest with some lighter fluid on it, and let it burn until he dies. I kinda believe in public execution as well, with limits, but that's just me.

  4. Thank you, guys, for your comments. And, we are discussing adding the show to the WRHT web site, both live and tape depayed. Stay tuned. And, feel free to call with your comments. You can also send an e-mail during the show, as I generally monitor my incoming e-mail

  5. Great show, Raeford! Keep up the good work & we'll see you on 2 meters!

  6. I listen to the show and rarely disagree but this morning I heard a gentleman say that J ville did not have a job issue. I could not believe that J vbill has for to long suckled Marine base and military that live here. The service industry does not offer decent level wages that attract retired ..or military and their spouses to want to stay here. If the city had priorities straighty would improve there city gov facilities and bring on more employees to prperly serviced the Jacksonville area. And some of the places that do offer good jobs do not pay well because they know they have military spouses that don't have good choices and will work for small wages. Its sad that some many take advantage.
