Saturday, August 31, 2013

White People DO have our very own Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. So says the godfather.

Last time here, I wondered why white folks can't have the equivalent of Al or Jesse. You know, someone to raise hell and scream racist every time some white guy is attacked by a black guy. A friend, I'll call him the godfather, because he likes that, dropped me an e-mail and pointed out that we white people do, indeed, have such big mouths in our corner. They're the Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh guys. My problem is that I never pay much attention to either. I'm just a normal guy who happens to be white. I certainly don't consider either of these gents my mouthpiece. Anyone who knows me knows that I can speak my mind without the help of Bill or Rush.

What I didn't take into consideration is that folks like my friend, the godfather, probably feel the same way about Al and Jesse. My friend is black, by the way. And, as a white guy who does not consider himself a racist, I looked at the entire black race in a racist way when I noted that Al and Jesse were their spokes-people. Thank goodness the errors of my ways and my thoughts were pointed out.

I'm going to venture to speciualte that Jesse and Al only represent a small number of black folks, just as Bill and Rush represent the views of a small number of whites. The problem is that all four people get a lot of attention when they open their mouths. And, too often, their "followers" believe all of their rhetoric, and those believers are what I will now call the Noisy Minority. They picket, they make great sound bites, not because they say something compelling, but because they say something radical, often racist. They seldom, if ever, say or do something inspiring, but they almost always rattle off gibberish that can incite a crowd to follow them anywhere.

They're not the first people to do this. Nor will they be the last.

By the way, I know where Bill and Rush get their money. They earn it by getting a lot of viewers to watch and listen to them. Those viewers are what equates to ratings in the television world, and ratings means advertising dollars. Something like a great quarterback on a football team. People pay big bucks to see him play, and television networks pay big bucks to carry the games, and advertisers pay lotsa money to get their product before a lot of viewers.

But, pray tell, where does Jesse and Al get their money? They wear fine clothes, drive great cars, and they don't stay at Motel 6, even if the light is left on for them. Haven't you wondered the same thing? I wonder what their income tax returns look like? Folks like Al and Jesse are always screaming about the tax returns of our public officials. What's fair is fair. Wonder why the IRS hasn't audited them?

Summing up, I can conclude: Bill and Rush act as the mouthpiece of some white people, and Al and Jesse are considered the mouthpiece for some, not all, black people.

I stand, partially, corrected and somewhat enlightened.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

MIA: Jesse and Al. Who is speaking up for white victims in this country? Maybe gun control IS the answer.

Well…here we go.

It’s been more than a week, and people are asking “Where’s Jesse, where’s Al”?

You know, the pair that is always on the front lines when there’s any opportunity, regardless of the facts, to claim racial injustice.

So, where is the Dynamic Duo today? A week after a White Australian young man of 22 was gunned down by three teens, two of them black, in Oklahoma. A murder by three guys who said they were bored and decided to kill someone. Three wannabe gangbangers, punks beyond belief.

Where’s Al, where’s Jesse? Does not racial injustice apply if the victim is white? Is there not enough money to lure them into taking a stand, to fight for justice for the victim, for his family?

Is there not enough media attention in this case? The shot was heard around the world, that’s for sure. The only real media attention now, a week later, is about the evil gun. Even a former Australian prime minister says the heritage in our country is out of control. I guess Al and Jesse have no dog in this fight. After all, the district attorney overseeing the case said it was not a hate crime, meaning that neither race nor nationality played a role in the murder.

Of course, Sharpton and Jackson have always taken, at face value, what the “system” says, right? Remember Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman? The DA did pretty much the same thing, in the beginning, that the Oklahoma DA did…saying that race did not play a role in that case. In fact, in the beginning, there was no indication among professional lawmen that a crime had taken place. Not until political pressure was exerted after a media blitz were charges brought. Of course, as expected, when the evidence was presented, it was painfully obvious that the charges were brought not because of facts, but because of politics and racial pressure.

The difference in the Martin-Zimmerman case and the case in Oklahoma, of course, is that it’s just as painfully obvious that a murder actually occurred.

You’ll note that I have not used the name of the Australian baseball player, the victim in this murder. Trayvon Martin…well, everyone knows that name. So, tell me…can you even remember, a week after he was killed, the name of the victim in Oklahoma? Is this just one of those “who gives a crap” stories? Three teenagers, two black, one white, reportedly shot to death a white man, and their only motive was that they were “bored”. It’s a shame that we point out how tragic it is for the poor misguided teenagers will be tried as adults, and seemingly have no feelings for the victim. Oh, those poor bored children.

Imagine if White America had advocates like Big Al and Jumping Jesse to speak up. Those guys would be called racists, no better than Klansmen. Too bad that Christopher Lane--there, I used his name-- doesn’t have anyone standing up for him.  

Now, I’m going to scare you. It is about time that we give some serious consideration to adopting gun controls in every state in this great nation. It’s high time that we, all of us, recognize that until we get a handle on this growing problem, that we recognize what the root cause is, we’re going to continue having teenagers wantonly killing people. It’s happening across the nation. From Chicago to Oklahoma. From New York to Los Angeles. It’s an epidemic that we should bring to an end.

And, until we take the guns away from gang members, wannabe gang members, or friends of gang members, the murder rate is going to remain uncontrolled. Until the cops are allowed, are actually encouraged, to use profiles to combat the crime wave, and until we stop treating teenagers who commit murder and mayhem with kid gloves, then none of us will be safe in our homes, in our cars, eating out, or while jogging along a country road.

I’ve said it before. I don’t care that you don’t like your mama, that you don’t know who your daddy is, or that you think you are entitled to anything. I could care less that your great-great-great grandfather was sold into slavery by enemy tribesmen in Africa. That is no more my fault than it is the fault of the sons and daughters of the English sailors who transported those slaves to this country 200 years ago. I want you to understand that I want to be safe, I want my family and friends to be safe, and I will do whatever is necessary to make sure that happens. Regardless of your race, your nationality, or your religious beliefs.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Really? I don't care that you're bored. I don't care that your daddy is missing. I don't care that you hate your mama. I do care that little kids think they can get away with murder because they're too young to die.

Hold your horses!!!!!!!! People in Australia are uptight because an Aussie student, in the US, was shot and killed by a trio of jerks, and the Australians might cancel plans to visit this country? I don’t get it. We have three idiots, killers by all reports, three “bored” low-life scumbags who deserve nothing less than a swift trial, and a necktie party at the nearest cottonwood tree, and these three excuses for humans are going to be the excuse for our good friends to stay home down under?

At least, that’s what we hear when we watch our media, even the normally rational bunch at Fox News. They quote unknown sources…that’s right, “unknown” sources…speculating that the Australians will cancel their plans to vacation in the United States. How dare they speculate that Aussies are that stupid and nearsighted! I’ve known a number of Australians over the decades, and you can believe me, they have more common sense than that.

Now, for those little punks. They say they were “bored”, had nothing better to do, and decided to shoot someone. For the "fun of it". How dare their mothers defend them. How dare ANYone stand up for them. How dare the likes of the unrealistic out here cite their youth as a defense for stupid violence. And, how dare the anti-gunners jump on yet, another, act of stupidity as excuses for stealing our Second Amendment.

When there is a problem, like these three little idiots, then we should seriously look at our judicial system. I could care less about their boredom, their lack of parenting, their lack of supervision, or a bad upbringing. I don’t care whether they got along with their mothers. I don’t care whether they had an MIA daddy.

I don’t care about their personal problems.

I care that they have killed an innocent person for absolutely no reason. Excuses from them be damned. It’s time that we, the REALISTS in this country, stand up and demand justice. There is no second degree case here, there is no manslaughter case here, there is no reason for a deal here. There is nothing these killers deserve less than a noose.  Too bad that our system, right now, says they cannot be executed simply because they're under 18. Why should their age be any reason for them to live. Life in prison? Nothing more than a joke.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Pedophiles are NOT MAPs. They are perverts. In Great Britain, they're paedophiles. Children are their victims. B4UAct...hah!

I got a surprise a couple weeks back when my radio show co-host brought up a story about a group that wants to quit calling pedophiles what they are. Instead, this group wants them called Minor Attracted People. Less demeaning, they say.
And, I thought referring to illegal aliens as undocumented residents was dumb. Who thinks up this stuff?
Now, I give you one thing. These individuals need help. Lots of help. And, I am in agreement that getting them that help is good. In fact, it should be required.
However, until we can find a solution to their problem and come up with a cure, then we have to do whatever we can to protect our kids.
The callers to our show that morning were, for the most part, as livid as I was. Not quite as rabid, but they agreed with my assessment. Take care of the children first.
Lessening the stigma by calling them MAP's (Minor Attracted People) instead of what they are, pedophiles, will do nothing to help or safeguard the kids. Some of the callers think castration is the answer. The castration procedures most often mentioned are not what most of you think. It involves taking medicines to lessen the evil and unnatural desires. And, apparently, it's effective.
Under controlled and contained (that means "confined") conditions, a child predator taking his medications can likely function normally in society. But, what happens when such a person decides to go rogue, again? Children--and parents--beware.
Now, if you want to talk about surgical, non reversible, castration, I might support that solution. Bring on the guillotine.
Approaching the end of that Monday edition of The Morning Show, Live and Local with Raeford on Thunder Country 96.3, I got another caller. Robert, that's his name. From Greenville, NC, he told our producer. Well, at first I thought Robert was playing me. He wasn't. He was real. He said, up front, that he was one of those MAP's. A pedophile. He said he was getting help, and I told him that I was glad for him. But, without a hint of sympathy, and in all seriousness, I asked him what we should do to protect our children from him. He stalled, but responded "you should keep them away from me". Out came the red cape in front of a ticked off bull!!!!
"We should keep our kids away from you!!!!!????!!!!"
Oh, hell no!!!!
Why not keep the likes of Robert away from our kids? Wouldn't that be a lot easier? Lock up one pervert to save a lot of kids, and you won't have to put a fence around the kids to keep pedophiles out.
Sorry, all of the Roberts out there, I hope you get help. Meanwhile, you need to stay away from all of our kids and grandkids. It is not out place to keep them away from the likes of you.
Or, prepare to face the consequences of a growing number of PO'd parents.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

    Here we go again. The folks on the left coast are stirring the pile of poop, hoping to make California special. A certain element has plans that, once approved, will make that state the most gun-restrictive state in the nation. You thought New York and Illinois were tough on guns, but the unrealistic clowns over there are coming after your guns, then they're coming after our guns. And, not only your guns. They want your bullets. And, they want to know where you are. And, they want you to throw away your magazines. You will be able to keep all the porn mags you want, but any magazine that holds bullets will be a no-no.

    The plan, according to the San Jose Meteor, will “…include proposals to ban a wide range of semi-automatic rifles and strict new regulations on ammunition”. Anti-rights, anti-gunners want the state to create a database of ALL ammo the residents of California buy. They want it to be a crime to leave an unlocked gun in your home unless you have it in your immediate possession under your control. You won't be able to leave your guns home, even if your home is locked, unless you have them locked away inside your locked home. And, if you ever tell anyone, any time, that you intend to kick his butt, you will not be able to own a firearm.

   And, a semi automatic gun with a detachable magazine will be illegal. High capacity magazines will have to be disposed of. And, California residents will be expected to welcome, with open arms, the arrival of the next Adolph Hitler. Of course, I am completely in favor of this last part. I will be more than happy to welcome the next Hitler with “open arms”, as I am a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment, whereas the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. My choice of arms will depend on how close he is.

    So, why is this such a hot item in California? Gun opponents openly admit that their efforts to rid the country’s citizens of their rights must not die. And, those efforts need the support of that big left coast state. Maybe that’s why O-damn-bama keeps kissing the backsides of the entertainment jerks over there. He and Wonderwoman Pelosi seem to get a lot of attention and respect from that segment of society. Makes you wonder if those allegations of communism in the entertainment field back in the 1950’s were as farfetched as we thought.

Monday, August 5, 2013

They have a brand new Gun Grabbing plan. And, it involves arming Illegal Aliens.

    This is a scary thought. If 11-million currently ILLEGAL aliens suddenly become legal citizens, then they become eligible, just like any other citizen, to buy guns. I am 100-percent in favor of law abiding, responsible citizens owning guns. To do that, they must pass background checks. What about these “new” citizens? Who can check their backgrounds? We can’t even check Obama’s background, how in the world can gun dealers be expected to check the history of 11-million ILLEGAL aliens-turned-citizens?

    If you give it a little thought, you might see what’s going on. The unrealistic sector, lead by Obama, Clinton and Holder, have a plan. They devised one with the Fast and Furious scam, a plan they hoped would convince all Americans that “guns are bad and should be banned”. That one backfired, but only after several hundred Mexicans and a U.S. Border Patrol agent were killed.

    Here’s what I think the Unrealistics are now planning. Give citizen status to 11-million currently ILLEGAL aliens, allow them to buy guns, guns which I have no doubt will be used in a widespread crime wave across the country. Then, the Unrealistics will have something else to use as evidence that “guns are bad and should be banned”.

    Farfetched? Not any more farfetched than the Holder-Obama Fast and Furious scam where federal agents bought guns from legal gun dealers, then sent them south of the border, down Mexico-way, straight to the hands of the drug cartel.