Thursday, January 27, 2011

Veneer and the President. Coming apart at the seams.

It's Thursday, approaching the end of the first month of 2011. I can't quite figure out what happened to the first 26 days.

We have managed to get through another State of the Union Address. Amazing how such an ardent democrat with a full agenda just two years ago has suddenly awakened to face reality. Perhaps for the first time in his young life. Even more of an awakening is the media. Yep, even NBC guys are questioning The Man, aka POTUS (for goodness sakes, if this is the first time you've seen that reference, just Google it). Correspondents are actually asking pertinent questions, actually questioning (not quite challenging) his actions. The next 18-20 months should really be interesting on the campaign trail.

So, POTUS wants to work with the republicans, huh? He didn't want to even acknowledge them when the House was full of democrats. Feel free to check my voter registration, if you wish. I'm registered in Onslow County, North Carolina. And, it says I'm an INDEPENDENT. My definition of Independent is "free thinker". I can like, or dislike, any politician for any reason, but not because of his or her political party affiliation. I am much like the President (not any particular man, every man/woman who takes that office) should be. Once he/she is sworn in, that person should become an INDEPENDENT. The President must not let politics get in the way of leading this great nation. Party politics should take a four year nap immediately after a presidential election. The business of the United States of America is more important than political agendas.

It's sad, though, that it took an election to awaken what many claim is a brilliant man with a lot of foresight. Perhaps we can blame the media. Why not? They get blamed for everything else. I mean, if it wasn't for reporters, we'd have no crime, no disasters. "They"cause it all. At least, that's what I have heard time and again. "If they would just shut up about the gas prices, we wouldn't be paying so much. It's all their fault".

With regards to the President, there might be a little truth in that observation. He was the media's blatantly obvious choice from the beginning. An unknown young man with virtually no experience, who was "discovered" at a political event. A shining star, an articulate speaker. A visionary. He told so many people what they wanted to hear. Not necessarily what they needed  to hear, mind you. And, the media, our watchdogs, bought the Bravo Sierra. On the surface, he appeared to have the answers. There was a problem, and the problem remains. Below the veneer of fine oak, there was nothing more than 3/4-inch particle board. You know, a bunch of sawdust held together by glue. Well, as we are all too familiar, particle board can't withstand a lot of water. It falls apart. And, the veneer, 1/16th of an inch thick, has no support. Nothing to keep it from collapsing.

And, that's exactly what's happening to the Great Platform. It's coming apart at the seams. The economy, despite the declaration that the  recession is over, is in the toilet. Our national debt--the money we have borrowed and can't pay back--continues to climb. Kinda like the roulette wheel: "Round and round she goes, where she stops, no one knows". Well, folks. It's gonna stop. And, someone's gonna lose. If we can't get the runaway spending under control, one or more of our creditors is gonna bring our house of cards down. If you think your taxes are high now, just wait until you write a check to the IRS that includes an assessment fee. You know, like homeowner associations do when they need more money than the monthly fees you pay will cover.

Unfortunately, President Obama, the media's shining star, believed everything the media said about him. He could do no wrong. The media wrote only good things. Whoa"", you say. Not true. You point towards Fox News, and the conservative talk radio guys. Yep, Rush and the gangs have blasted Obama from the beginning. But, as is all too often the case, they were ridiculed. By TV comedians, by the mainstream media. They were given the same credibility as entertainment tabloids. No one listened except the radical realists.

I only wish that the media was full of INDEPENDENTS. Journalists should have NO friends in politics. They should never attend political social functions. Unless, of course, they're wired with hidden mics and they're looking for a story. I can tell you, from experience, that a politician in a social setting, consuming abundent quanities of truth serum, gives up a lot of good material. Reporters, like cops, must be on the job 24/7. We would certainly know a lot more about the way our government really works. It would be pretty cool if a good investigative team would tell us just how much of your hard earned tax dollars goes for entertainment every year. That would keep the party crowd on their toes.

The next 18 months are going to get interesting. We have a president who is now on the defensive. What he does will determine whether we end up with a seasoned, wiser man who can convince skepticle subjects and reporters that he can actually get something done, or whether we, the voters, are going to elect another unknown, inexperienced person who will promise us anything that we want to hear.  By "get something done", I mean just that. Obama has no choice. He MUST work with all members of the House and Senate. He MUST surround himself with experienced advisors and department heads. He has little, if any, real life experience, at least none that anyone has been able to uncover. Successful businessmen are needed.

He needs to seriously examine the Wal Mart plan. You know, the one that is making the internet rounds. In just a few years, Wal Mart has taken over the retail market. It even sells more groceries than grocery stores. How did this happen? I don't know. But, the President of the United States should find out. It sounds like a plan that our Treasury Department should adopt.

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