President Reagan tried. Back in the late 1980's. On April 14th of 1986, to be exact. The bombs and missiles missed old Muammar Khadaffi (there are several prublished spellings for his first and last names), but they took out a bunch of his relatives. And, it sent Khadaffi running for a hole. Kept him there for a long time, too. Libyan terrorism wasn't so loud after the 14th. And, I thanked the President for that birthday gift. Too bad that the Italians tipped off Libya about the U.S. plans. We really need to learn to keep our secret missions secret.
Well, the fine folks of Libya, Khadaffi's people, are tired of him, tired of his ridiculous ruler-ship. They have seen a better world beyond their borders, beyond Khadaffi and his Band of Thugs. Unfortunately, for much of the world, their unhappiness has sent the price of oil up, up and away. Not sure that I understand why. Seems that the oil-price-dictators look for any excuse to rob us.
No doubt, Khadaffi is a dead man walking. His days are numbered. Since the great American guru has told the Libyan dictator that he needs to go away, I'm betting that someone, somewhere, will take that to mean there's a price on his head. Khadaffi has lived a quarter century longer than he should have. If our surgical strikes of 1986 couldn't get the job done, I'm betting that a bounty will bring out the best of today's mercs.
Ok, now that we're fixed that dictatorial problem, gas prices should start plummetng, right? After all, the unrest caused them to skyrocket, so--using Sherlock Holmes' deductive reasoning techniques--when the source of the unrest is laid to rest, they should come down. Let me know when that happens.
Perhaps it is high time to search for the gas price dictators. Perhaps our problems don't originate in nothing countries like Libya with nothing leaders like Khadaffi. Perhaps the great American guru should call for the gas price dictators to step down. With a simple wink-wink, he could put out a contract for one or all of those guys. I'll bet that the price of gasoline would become much more reasonable, at least by today's standards.
In case you have done little more than complain about the HUGE jump in pump prices, let me help you out in the math arena. If you use 20 gallons of gas per week, the increase over the last two weeks, alone, will cost you a whopping $400 MORE for the year. Now, I'm not sure how many 20-gallon-per week drivers there are out there, but you can just imagine how much MORE we're going to spend this year, all because of the gas price dictators.
Now, about that wink-wink-contract...
Retired journalist, former cop, current fisherman/photographer/diver/boater/husband. Tells it like it is on just about any topic, especially those I had to remain silent about for so, so many years. Politicians, especially those professional ones (kinda like professional students, don't you think) are such easy targets. And, I am not one to pass up an easy shot.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Conch Stew. You find it in the Caribbean. Like it?
I've traveled, on dive trips, to a number of Caribbean spots. And, I've sampled conch chowder or conch stew in a lot of places. Some were good, very good. Others...well, they were a little watered-down to suit me, often tasting no better than canned clam chowder.
So, I set about trying to come up with one that I like. It's been a while since I last made any, mainly because I couldn't find any conch meat. The Winn-Dixie stores, at one time, kept some in the seafood section. Always had to buy it in 5-pound frozen blocks. That was ok, 'cause I could separate the individual pieces as needed. With a little help from a sturdy knife and some delicate "prying".
Thanks to my boss and friend, I ended up with another block of the meat. He got it on a trip to Florida. If you try the recipe, I can't emphasize enough : DO NOT OVERCOOK the meat.
So, I set about trying to come up with one that I like. It's been a while since I last made any, mainly because I couldn't find any conch meat. The Winn-Dixie stores, at one time, kept some in the seafood section. Always had to buy it in 5-pound frozen blocks. That was ok, 'cause I could separate the individual pieces as needed. With a little help from a sturdy knife and some delicate "prying".
Thanks to my boss and friend, I ended up with another block of the meat. He got it on a trip to Florida. If you try the recipe, I can't emphasize enough : DO NOT OVERCOOK the meat.
Conch Stew
aka Conch Chowder
12-14 ounces cleaned conch meat
6-ounces claw crab meat
1-medium onion (I like onions, so I use 2, sometimes 3)
6-stalks of celery
8-ounces Clamato juice (tomato juice or V-8 works well)
1-can diced tomatoes
4-cloves of garlic
1-small potato
Salt, pepper, Thyme, crushed red pepper, cayenne pepper, fila
Dice carrots, celery and onion. Finely chop garlic. Cut the potato into small cubes. Add to stock pot. Add tomatoes. Add Clamato juice to cover half of the ingredients , then add enough water to completely cover the rest. Add desired amount of seasonings, keeping in mind that you can add more during the cooking and tasting process.
Bring to boil, reduce heat, then cover. Cook for 20 minutes on slow simmer, until the carrots are fork tender. Taste for seasoning. Add, as needed and desired. It should have a moderate amount of “heat”, or a lot if you’re from Texas, or like to brag that “the hotter, the better”. Remember your guests.
Cut conch into chunks. Chop but do not mince, using a food processor or chopper. Add conch and crab meat to the pot. Reduce heat to lowest setting. Cover.
Ready to eat in 30 minutes.
Warning. Once the conch is added, do NOT overcook. Conch will become rubbery, and will have the consistency of rubber bands if cooked too long.
Having trouble finding conch? You can, of course, substitute clams. I often add crayfish (the tail meat) to my stew. You can go another step and include wheels of Kielbasa sausage, perhaps some rice, and develop your own version of gumbo.
Always remember to add the seafood in the last step, after reducing the heat to almost zero.
Like it with some crunch? Add the onions 10 minutes before adding the seafood.
Hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
A Good Mom
You gotta give it to Bev Perdue, North Carolina's first female governor. She's a good mom. Seems like she's a better mom than she is a governor. She certainly has looked out for her baby boy, Garrett. He's a lawyer. Oh, yeah. One of those. And, he's working for ex-Governor Jim Hunt at Womble Carlyle, the state's largest law firm. His position? He's on the firm's economic incentives team.
Cool. Nice spot. He landed that gig shortly after Bev took office a couple years back. The governor does a lot of grip and grin photos at ribbon cutting extravaganzas for companies she has encouraged to come to the state, using economic incentives. Not sure how much these incentives cost us, but it's likely more than a buck-ninety-eight. Of course, the company that benefits from this is that law firm that Lawyer Perdue works for.
Interesting to note that our Head of State (you do know that a head on a boat is the toilet, right?), Governor Mom, vetoed Senate Bill 13, the one calling for a balanced budget, one that would reclaim unspent economic funds.
Young Perdue, as one might expect, says he would "...never, never abuse my relationship with the governor, or hold myself out as having an advantage because of my relationship to the governor, ever."
Hey, Garrett. Don't you dare forget Mother's Day in May. If you do, it could cost you your job.
Cool. Nice spot. He landed that gig shortly after Bev took office a couple years back. The governor does a lot of grip and grin photos at ribbon cutting extravaganzas for companies she has encouraged to come to the state, using economic incentives. Not sure how much these incentives cost us, but it's likely more than a buck-ninety-eight. Of course, the company that benefits from this is that law firm that Lawyer Perdue works for.
Interesting to note that our Head of State (you do know that a head on a boat is the toilet, right?), Governor Mom, vetoed Senate Bill 13, the one calling for a balanced budget, one that would reclaim unspent economic funds.
Young Perdue, as one might expect, says he would "...never, never abuse my relationship with the governor, or hold myself out as having an advantage because of my relationship to the governor, ever."
Hey, Garrett. Don't you dare forget Mother's Day in May. If you do, it could cost you your job.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Pirates Kill 4 Americans
"Negotiations had been under way to try to win the release of the two couples on the pirated vessel Quest when the gunfire was heard".
You've got to be kidding me! We're "negotiating" with the likes of scums? Why? And, why in the world did U.S. forces capture 13 of the so-called pirates? Two were killed, according to reports. But, we captured 13. That means we have to house them, support them, provide them free legal services, tie up our courts for years and years to come. They are pirates. Piracy on the high seas is punishable by death. Immediate death.
The two couples aboard the sailing yacht Quest were on a peace mission, a religious mssion. They were handing out Bibles to folks who wanted them. Until the Somali pirates took over their vessel.
One of the pirates was being interviewed by the Associated Press, via telephone, apparently minutes before the hostages were killed.
"Some pirates have even suggested rigging the yacht with land mines and explosives so as the whole yacht explodes with the first gunshot," said the pirate, who gave his name as Abdullahi Mohamed, who claimed to be a friend of the pirates holding the four Americans.
Oh, goodie. Abdullahi Mohamed. Another peaceful muslim. Funny way of promoting peace, don't you think? And, here we are, John Smith, Gertrude Jones. Americans with U.S. issued driver's licenses, Amercans in their 70's, 80's, 90's. Forced to remove their shoes, and forced to endure the indignity of being sexually assaulted when they prepare to board an airplane to visit their grandchildren. Why? Because we are not allowed to profile, we cannot target the folks who so hate Americans and our way of life.
It's high time we get real in this country. It's high time that the lilly-livered, spinless examples of leaders we keep electing get the royal boot. It's time that we, as true Americans, those with True Grit, stand tall, as did John Wayne (American), and take back the country our forefathers so bravely fought to establish and then to preserve in wars dating back more than 200 years.
It's time that we stop taking prisoners.
You've got to be kidding me! We're "negotiating" with the likes of scums? Why? And, why in the world did U.S. forces capture 13 of the so-called pirates? Two were killed, according to reports. But, we captured 13. That means we have to house them, support them, provide them free legal services, tie up our courts for years and years to come. They are pirates. Piracy on the high seas is punishable by death. Immediate death.
The two couples aboard the sailing yacht Quest were on a peace mission, a religious mssion. They were handing out Bibles to folks who wanted them. Until the Somali pirates took over their vessel.
One of the pirates was being interviewed by the Associated Press, via telephone, apparently minutes before the hostages were killed.
"Some pirates have even suggested rigging the yacht with land mines and explosives so as the whole yacht explodes with the first gunshot," said the pirate, who gave his name as Abdullahi Mohamed, who claimed to be a friend of the pirates holding the four Americans.
Oh, goodie. Abdullahi Mohamed. Another peaceful muslim. Funny way of promoting peace, don't you think? And, here we are, John Smith, Gertrude Jones. Americans with U.S. issued driver's licenses, Amercans in their 70's, 80's, 90's. Forced to remove their shoes, and forced to endure the indignity of being sexually assaulted when they prepare to board an airplane to visit their grandchildren. Why? Because we are not allowed to profile, we cannot target the folks who so hate Americans and our way of life.
It's high time we get real in this country. It's high time that the lilly-livered, spinless examples of leaders we keep electing get the royal boot. It's time that we, as true Americans, those with True Grit, stand tall, as did John Wayne (American), and take back the country our forefathers so bravely fought to establish and then to preserve in wars dating back more than 200 years.
It's time that we stop taking prisoners.
A little more than three years ago, I was asked to say a few words at a memorial service for my friend, my boss. The message that makes up the blog today is much like the message I delivered. Thanks to a good friend for sharing this one. Take a few minutes, develop a bit of tunnel vision, tune out the world, and read on.
I was going to customize it (hey, I don't golf), but have chosen not to. The messsage, regardless of the circumstances, will likely fit just about anyone.
Read on, and have a great day. Raeford.
One day I had lunch with some friends. Jim, a tall, balding golfer type about 80 years old, came along with them---all in all, a pleasant bunch.
When the menus were presented, we ordered salads, sandwiches, and soups, except for Jim who said, "Ice Cream, please. Two scoops, chocolate.
I wasn't sure my ears heard right, and the others were aghast. "Along with heated apple pie," Jim added, completely unabashed.
We tried to act quite nonchalant, as if people did this all the time.. But when our orders were brought out, I didn't enjoy mine.
I couldn't take my eyes off Jim as his pie a-la-mode went down. The other guys couldn’t believe it. They ate their lunches silently and grinned.
The next time I went out to eat, I called and invited Jim. I lunched on white meat tuna. He ordered a parfait.
I smiled. He asked if he amused me
I answered, "Yes, you do, but also you confuse me.
How come you order rich desserts, while I feel I must be sensible? He laughed and said "I'm tasting all that is Possible.
I try to eat the food I need, and do the things I should. But life's so short, my friend, I hate missing out on something good.
This year I realized how old I was. (He grinned) I haven't been this old before."
"So, before I die, I've got to try those things that for years I had ignored.
I haven't smelled all the flowers yet. There are too many trout streams I haven’t fished. There's more fudge sundaes to wolf down and kites to be flown overhead.
There are too many golf courses I haven’t played. I've not laughed at all the jokes. I've missed a lot of sporting events and potato chips and cokes.
I want to wade again in water and feel ocean spray on my face. I want to sit in a country church once more and thank God for His grace.
I want peanut butter every day spread on my morning toast. I want un-timed long distance calls to the folks I love the most.
I haven't cried at all the movies yet, or walked in the morning rain. I need to feel wind on my face. I want to be in love again.
So, if I choose to have dessert, instead of having dinner, then should I die before night fall, I'd say I died a winner, because I missed out on nothing. I filled my heart's desire. I had that final chocolate mousse before my life expired.."
With that, I called the waitress over.. "I've changed my mind, " I said. "I want what he is having, only add some more whipped cream!"
This is my gift to you - We need an annual Friends Day! If you get this twice, then you have more than one friend. Live well, love much & laugh often - Be happy.
SHARE THIS WITH YOUR FRIENDS including me if I'm lucky enough to be counted among them.
Be mindful that happiness isn't based on possessions, power, or prestige, but on relationships with people we like and respect. Remember that while money talks, CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM SINGS!
And, don't forget, live life to it's fullest. When you hear music, even if no oe else does, take the opportunity and just dance. Besides, it'll drive your kids and grandkids nuts.
I was going to customize it (hey, I don't golf), but have chosen not to. The messsage, regardless of the circumstances, will likely fit just about anyone.
Read on, and have a great day. Raeford.
One day I had lunch with some friends. Jim, a tall, balding golfer type about 80 years old, came along with them---all in all, a pleasant bunch.
When the menus were presented, we ordered salads, sandwiches, and soups, except for Jim who said, "Ice Cream, please. Two scoops, chocolate.
I wasn't sure my ears heard right, and the others were aghast. "Along with heated apple pie," Jim added, completely unabashed.
We tried to act quite nonchalant, as if people did this all the time.. But when our orders were brought out, I didn't enjoy mine.
I couldn't take my eyes off Jim as his pie a-la-mode went down. The other guys couldn’t believe it. They ate their lunches silently and grinned.
The next time I went out to eat, I called and invited Jim. I lunched on white meat tuna. He ordered a parfait.
I smiled. He asked if he amused me
I answered, "Yes, you do, but also you confuse me.
How come you order rich desserts, while I feel I must be sensible? He laughed and said "I'm tasting all that is Possible.
I try to eat the food I need, and do the things I should. But life's so short, my friend, I hate missing out on something good.
This year I realized how old I was. (He grinned) I haven't been this old before."
"So, before I die, I've got to try those things that for years I had ignored.
I haven't smelled all the flowers yet. There are too many trout streams I haven’t fished. There's more fudge sundaes to wolf down and kites to be flown overhead.
There are too many golf courses I haven’t played. I've not laughed at all the jokes. I've missed a lot of sporting events and potato chips and cokes.
I want to wade again in water and feel ocean spray on my face. I want to sit in a country church once more and thank God for His grace.
I want peanut butter every day spread on my morning toast. I want un-timed long distance calls to the folks I love the most.
I haven't cried at all the movies yet, or walked in the morning rain. I need to feel wind on my face. I want to be in love again.
So, if I choose to have dessert, instead of having dinner, then should I die before night fall, I'd say I died a winner, because I missed out on nothing. I filled my heart's desire. I had that final chocolate mousse before my life expired.."
With that, I called the waitress over.. "I've changed my mind, " I said. "I want what he is having, only add some more whipped cream!"
This is my gift to you - We need an annual Friends Day! If you get this twice, then you have more than one friend. Live well, love much & laugh often - Be happy.
SHARE THIS WITH YOUR FRIENDS including me if I'm lucky enough to be counted among them.
Be mindful that happiness isn't based on possessions, power, or prestige, but on relationships with people we like and respect. Remember that while money talks, CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM SINGS!
And, don't forget, live life to it's fullest. When you hear music, even if no oe else does, take the opportunity and just dance. Besides, it'll drive your kids and grandkids nuts.
Monday, February 21, 2011
It's About Time To Get Rocked
North Carolina Senator Harry Brown (we're not related) reports in today's Jacksonville Daily News ( that 2011 might, finally, be the year when our state legislature sees the light. It's been a long time since the state allowed the construction of rock jetties to stablize inlets in the state. And, it's about time.
Boaters will tell you that navigating most of the inlets is the most dangerous part of a day on the high seas. Coast Guard Station Emerald Isle, almost daily, broadcasts warnings to mariners to avoid Bogue Inlet at Swansboro. Shifting sands create hazardous conditions, and that's putting it pretty mildly. In 2010, alone, I heard numerous calls for help from boaters who had found a sand bar in what was suppose to be a channel deep enough to permit safe passage. Bogue inlet, and others in North Carolina, is anything but safe.
Having lived in the Wilmington area for many years, and having fished out of Carolina and Wrightsville Beaches hundreds of times, it was nice to know that we could use Masonboro Inlet, at the south end of Wrightsville Beach, should the weather break bad and make Carolina Beach Inlet too treacherous to run. And, treacherous are Bogue and New River Inlets, all too often. What makes Masoboro Inlet better? Simple. A rock jetty extending from the shore on each side of the inlet.
The inlet is stable, and can be easily navgated when other inlets, such as Bogue and Carolina Beach Inlets, cannot.
Boaters will tell you that navigating most of the inlets is the most dangerous part of a day on the high seas. Coast Guard Station Emerald Isle, almost daily, broadcasts warnings to mariners to avoid Bogue Inlet at Swansboro. Shifting sands create hazardous conditions, and that's putting it pretty mildly. In 2010, alone, I heard numerous calls for help from boaters who had found a sand bar in what was suppose to be a channel deep enough to permit safe passage. Bogue inlet, and others in North Carolina, is anything but safe.
Having lived in the Wilmington area for many years, and having fished out of Carolina and Wrightsville Beaches hundreds of times, it was nice to know that we could use Masonboro Inlet, at the south end of Wrightsville Beach, should the weather break bad and make Carolina Beach Inlet too treacherous to run. And, treacherous are Bogue and New River Inlets, all too often. What makes Masoboro Inlet better? Simple. A rock jetty extending from the shore on each side of the inlet.
Masonboro Inlet
Carolina Beach Inlet
The Army Corps of Engineers regularly dredges inlets. Regularly, as in time after time after time. The channels they dig last for a little while. Then, Mother Nature takes over and, when she chooses, refills them with sand. And, it can happen overnight. The route you took yesterday may be a sandbar today. Or, tomorrow. Buoys marking the channels are nice, but only when Mother Nature is being kind.
And, of course, those dredging projects are expensive. Very expensive.
Dredging at New River Inlet
If your legislator (state senate and state hosue) is someone other than Senator Brown, give them a call. Tell them that boaters and fishermen are important to our economy. Tell them that it's time to make it safe for them to use the inlets, instead of risking life and limb to enjoy a day on the ocean.
You don't fish or have a boat? And, you could care less about the inlets or the safety of boaters? Ok, I see your point. But, you might want to give some thought as to the amount of MONEY we spend each year, money that supports boat dealers, tackle shops, marinas, roads (through gas taxes), hotels, car dealers...boating is an important part of eastern North Carolina's industry. And, it's not only those of us living on the coast that support all of these industries, it's the fine folks from Charlotte and Raleigh. If you don't think so, then hang out along Highway 70 or I-40 any Friday afternoon. You will be amazed at the number of cars and trucks pulling fine boats making their way to the beaches. And, those folks are spending money. It would be a shame to see them taking those interstates to areas with more stable inlets. The Cape Fear region has a good inlet. It could use more. But, at least, it has ONE.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
We R Broke, Flat Busted
Yes. We are. If we, as Americans, owe more than 14-TRILLION dollars, and we can't pay it, then what's to stop our creditors from foreclosing. I mean, try not making your car payment for a few months. You will be walking.
We can talk, all day long, about trillions of dollars. I have a difficult time visualing anything more than a hundred thousand. And, that is a buncha bucks. At least, by my standards.
I wanted to get a picture of exacly how much we owe. Easier said than seen, I can tell you that.
So, here we go.
Most of us have seen $100 bills. They look like this.
You might even have a few in your wallet right now.
(If you do, I love lobster...they've got some nice frozen lobster tails at a Sam's near you. Hint, hint)
A thousand bucks isn't too difficult to picture, now that you've got a hundred in mind. It's just ten hundred dollar bills. So, let's skip to the next stop.
Ten thousand bucks.
Pretty simple. It's one-hundred of those 100-dollar bills. A stripped down economy car, right?
Gets a bit tougher.

Count them. There are ten stacks of 100-hundred dollar bills, a total of:
1000 one-hundred dollar bills.
A total of 100-thousand bucks.
Enough for half of a modest home.
A lot of money?
Just keep reading.
Ten times that 100-thousand bucks is a million.
That's 100 stacks of these:
Now, we're talking. Some good money, here. A HUNDRED of these equals one-MILLION dollars.
Serious money.
Not really, not when you're discussing how much we owe the rest of the world.
We owe 14-trillion dollars.
That is, just for giggles,
140-BILLION of these:
In other words, for what the United States of America OWES our creditors, we could purchase 140 MILLION stripped down compact cars at $10,000 per car.
Beleive me...just trying to keep those zeroes straight was mind boggling.
I'm still having trouble visualing 14-trillion dollars.
All in one area.
This is ONE BILLION dollars.
Imagine, if you can, 1,400 stacks like this.
1,400 ROOMS, large ones, filled with this much money.
That, folks, is 14-trillion dollars.
Every man, woman and child in the United States owes almost 50-thousand dollars...just so the US can be debt free.
I don't know about you, but I'm trying to figure out what those in charge have done for me of late. Someone, it seems, has been asleep at the helm.
And, this ship, the USS America, is headed for a rocky shoreline.
At about 25 knots.
Prepare for Collission!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course, if you're tired of this runaway debt, caused by runaway-giveaway programs, created by those who have never worked for a living in the real world, and perpetuated by accessories before and after the fact, then do something about it. Contact your congressman (there's one for your district) and your senators (there are two in every state), and let them know that they have got to get a handle on this problem. Whenever you hear that either is giving away a check to a worthy and needy group, show up for the grip-and-grin photograph session. Ask them what they're going to do to fix our problem. Take like-minded friends and relatives with you. Until those we have "sent to Washington"actually believe that we are sick and tired of this crap, they will continue doing business as usual.
And, if you really want to get their goats, ask for copies of all of their expense receipts. They're public record. And, you're entitled to see them. You will be amazed and ticked off when you find out what expenses you're paying for. Trips, also known as junkets or fact-finding missions, cost us an arm and a leg. I doubt you'll find many McDonald receipts. Bet you'll find some fine dining restaurant receipts, though. That is, unless the bureaucrats are successful in sweet-talking you to death. They'll stall, count on it. One excuse after another until you, they hope, just get tired of waiting. All it takes is one hard headed bulldog constituent, one willing to aggravate those folks in Washington until they, not you, are worn down. Then, once you get it, share it. On Facebook. On Twitter. With your local newspaper or friendly television reporter.
And, if you have the guts to produce the info you get on Facebook, make sure you have searched for and befriended your congressman and senators, as well as local reporters. They read that stuff. Or, at least, their staffs read it. It can be a lot of fun and, if nothing else, serve as an outlet for you. As Sgt Joe Friday of Dragnet fame regularly said, "just the facts". Facts will get them every time.
We can talk, all day long, about trillions of dollars. I have a difficult time visualing anything more than a hundred thousand. And, that is a buncha bucks. At least, by my standards.
I wanted to get a picture of exacly how much we owe. Easier said than seen, I can tell you that.
So, here we go.
Most of us have seen $100 bills. They look like this.
You might even have a few in your wallet right now.
(If you do, I love lobster...they've got some nice frozen lobster tails at a Sam's near you. Hint, hint)
A thousand bucks isn't too difficult to picture, now that you've got a hundred in mind. It's just ten hundred dollar bills. So, let's skip to the next stop.
Ten thousand bucks.
Pretty simple. It's one-hundred of those 100-dollar bills. A stripped down economy car, right?
Gets a bit tougher.

Count them. There are ten stacks of 100-hundred dollar bills, a total of:
1000 one-hundred dollar bills.
A total of 100-thousand bucks.
Enough for half of a modest home.
A lot of money?
Just keep reading.
Ten times that 100-thousand bucks is a million.
That's 100 stacks of these:
Now, we're talking. Some good money, here. A HUNDRED of these equals one-MILLION dollars.
Serious money.
Not really, not when you're discussing how much we owe the rest of the world.
We owe 14-trillion dollars.
That is, just for giggles,
140-BILLION of these:
140-MILLION of these:
In other words, for what the United States of America OWES our creditors, we could purchase 140 MILLION stripped down compact cars at $10,000 per car.
Beleive me...just trying to keep those zeroes straight was mind boggling.
I'm still having trouble visualing 14-trillion dollars.
All in one area.
This is ONE BILLION dollars.
Imagine, if you can, 1,400 stacks like this.
1,400 ROOMS, large ones, filled with this much money.
That, folks, is 14-trillion dollars.
Every man, woman and child in the United States owes almost 50-thousand dollars...just so the US can be debt free.
I don't know about you, but I'm trying to figure out what those in charge have done for me of late. Someone, it seems, has been asleep at the helm.
And, this ship, the USS America, is headed for a rocky shoreline.
At about 25 knots.
Prepare for Collission!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course, if you're tired of this runaway debt, caused by runaway-giveaway programs, created by those who have never worked for a living in the real world, and perpetuated by accessories before and after the fact, then do something about it. Contact your congressman (there's one for your district) and your senators (there are two in every state), and let them know that they have got to get a handle on this problem. Whenever you hear that either is giving away a check to a worthy and needy group, show up for the grip-and-grin photograph session. Ask them what they're going to do to fix our problem. Take like-minded friends and relatives with you. Until those we have "sent to Washington"actually believe that we are sick and tired of this crap, they will continue doing business as usual.
And, if you really want to get their goats, ask for copies of all of their expense receipts. They're public record. And, you're entitled to see them. You will be amazed and ticked off when you find out what expenses you're paying for. Trips, also known as junkets or fact-finding missions, cost us an arm and a leg. I doubt you'll find many McDonald receipts. Bet you'll find some fine dining restaurant receipts, though. That is, unless the bureaucrats are successful in sweet-talking you to death. They'll stall, count on it. One excuse after another until you, they hope, just get tired of waiting. All it takes is one hard headed bulldog constituent, one willing to aggravate those folks in Washington until they, not you, are worn down. Then, once you get it, share it. On Facebook. On Twitter. With your local newspaper or friendly television reporter.
And, if you have the guts to produce the info you get on Facebook, make sure you have searched for and befriended your congressman and senators, as well as local reporters. They read that stuff. Or, at least, their staffs read it. It can be a lot of fun and, if nothing else, serve as an outlet for you. As Sgt Joe Friday of Dragnet fame regularly said, "just the facts". Facts will get them every time.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Edu-ma-kashun. Not everyone fits the same mold.
The reason that a baseball team has nine players is because each member has his strengths. And, weaknesses. There are not many pitchers, generally considered the "star", that can bat well. There are exceptions, of course.
In school, unfortunately, we all too often try to make all the players do everything. Yes, as in baseball...or the Marine Corps..., everyone must master certain skills. But, at some point in time, we must stop holding back students who excel in math or science or literature. In baseball, some are meant to be strong batters or catchers or pitchers. In the Marine Corps, natural talent is developed. Snipers, motor transport, helicopter pilots.
As usual, I was evesdropping. Yes, again. A couple of great educators were discussing the students of today. One, a middle school teacher (what I knew as junior high school) said he started off the day with some basics, and asked the class to tell him the "area of a two-by-four foot" drawing, only to be surprised that several students had no idea. That's okay. Sort of. Not everyone is good at math. The problem comes when we hold the entire class back because "several" students didn't get it.
What happens to those who can do the math? I can answer that. They get bored. They are not challenged.
Earlier in the day, at lunch, I watched an obviously brilliant 4-year old kid read from a lunch menu/placemat as well as a normal, whatever that is, 2nd or 3rd grader. I am not sure how well he handles a math problem, but his reading skills are pretty amazing. Kudos to his parents.
What's gonna happen in the first grade? Or, the second? He will get bored. He will not be challenged at school. Boredom, like an idle mind, is an opportunity missed.
What's the answer? Goodness, I would be pretty close to the last person to have a solution. There are, however, a lot of smart people out there who need to start looking at ways to take advantage of natural talent. Ok, let's say that the four-year old can't tell me how many cubic feet are in a 2x4x3 foot box (thought you had the first one figured ojut, didn't you?). Perhaps he, if challenged, will become an author, an historian, a journalist, a teacher. All honorable professions. Well, let me think about the journalist . Just kidding.
The point is, there's gotta be a better way. Throwing money at a system that ain't working is NOT the way. That seems to be the politically correct thing to do; it's what teachers, principals, school superintendents want. Just look at almost every politician while campaigning. Near, or at, the top of his/her campaign promises, aka Bravao Sierra, is education. For heaven's sake, I would love to hear one, just one, politician tell me "I have a plan of action, and this is how I'll handle the education needs".
Just one.
I don't care that you think we can get better teachers by tossing more money into education. We've tried that. It doesn't work. The teachers, likely, are just fine. The system needs a boot in the butt.
Teachers will not be able to teach any better if you give them a raise.
Let me repeat that.
Teachers will not be able to teach any better if you give them a raise.
They are dedicated professionals, most of them, and they are teaching at their peak potential, given the directions they've been given, and the tools they've been supplied. I am not saying they don't deserve more money. They, and other professionals, certainly do. However, if a teacher, earning whatever he/she is earning today, says he/she can be a better teacher if they get a bigger salary... he/she SHOULD BE FIRED! Why? Simply because that teacher is not working at his/her full potential. If they won't give you 100%, then they do not deserve a raise. They don't even deserve a job. Perhaps teachers, like employees in the private sector, should be judged/evaluated as individuals instead of as a group, when it comes to salary increases. The good ones get the raise, the mediocre ones don't, and the bad ones can look for another job. It's called the incentive plan.
It's up to our elected officials to find advisors who can look at the big picture. Study other states and, indeed, other countries. In North Carolina, we remain near the bottom of the list when it comes to education. Not because of a lack of funding, my opinion...because we are not spending the money earmarked for education wisely.
In school, unfortunately, we all too often try to make all the players do everything. Yes, as in baseball...or the Marine Corps..., everyone must master certain skills. But, at some point in time, we must stop holding back students who excel in math or science or literature. In baseball, some are meant to be strong batters or catchers or pitchers. In the Marine Corps, natural talent is developed. Snipers, motor transport, helicopter pilots.
As usual, I was evesdropping. Yes, again. A couple of great educators were discussing the students of today. One, a middle school teacher (what I knew as junior high school) said he started off the day with some basics, and asked the class to tell him the "area of a two-by-four foot" drawing, only to be surprised that several students had no idea. That's okay. Sort of. Not everyone is good at math. The problem comes when we hold the entire class back because "several" students didn't get it.
What happens to those who can do the math? I can answer that. They get bored. They are not challenged.
Earlier in the day, at lunch, I watched an obviously brilliant 4-year old kid read from a lunch menu/placemat as well as a normal, whatever that is, 2nd or 3rd grader. I am not sure how well he handles a math problem, but his reading skills are pretty amazing. Kudos to his parents.
What's gonna happen in the first grade? Or, the second? He will get bored. He will not be challenged at school. Boredom, like an idle mind, is an opportunity missed.
What's the answer? Goodness, I would be pretty close to the last person to have a solution. There are, however, a lot of smart people out there who need to start looking at ways to take advantage of natural talent. Ok, let's say that the four-year old can't tell me how many cubic feet are in a 2x4x3 foot box (thought you had the first one figured ojut, didn't you?). Perhaps he, if challenged, will become an author, an historian, a journalist, a teacher. All honorable professions. Well, let me think about the journalist . Just kidding.
The point is, there's gotta be a better way. Throwing money at a system that ain't working is NOT the way. That seems to be the politically correct thing to do; it's what teachers, principals, school superintendents want. Just look at almost every politician while campaigning. Near, or at, the top of his/her campaign promises, aka Bravao Sierra, is education. For heaven's sake, I would love to hear one, just one, politician tell me "I have a plan of action, and this is how I'll handle the education needs".
Just one.
I don't care that you think we can get better teachers by tossing more money into education. We've tried that. It doesn't work. The teachers, likely, are just fine. The system needs a boot in the butt.
Teachers will not be able to teach any better if you give them a raise.
Let me repeat that.
Teachers will not be able to teach any better if you give them a raise.
They are dedicated professionals, most of them, and they are teaching at their peak potential, given the directions they've been given, and the tools they've been supplied. I am not saying they don't deserve more money. They, and other professionals, certainly do. However, if a teacher, earning whatever he/she is earning today, says he/she can be a better teacher if they get a bigger salary... he/she SHOULD BE FIRED! Why? Simply because that teacher is not working at his/her full potential. If they won't give you 100%, then they do not deserve a raise. They don't even deserve a job. Perhaps teachers, like employees in the private sector, should be judged/evaluated as individuals instead of as a group, when it comes to salary increases. The good ones get the raise, the mediocre ones don't, and the bad ones can look for another job. It's called the incentive plan.
It's up to our elected officials to find advisors who can look at the big picture. Study other states and, indeed, other countries. In North Carolina, we remain near the bottom of the list when it comes to education. Not because of a lack of funding, my opinion...because we are not spending the money earmarked for education wisely.
Monday, February 14, 2011
A General Has Questions about the Commander in Chief
A good Monday to you.
Now, down to business. You have likely gathered that I have no loyalties to any particular party. One of the reasons I am a registered Independent. I kinda like that word. To me, it means that I am a free-thinker, and I don't let any party finatics decide what my beliefs will be. As an electronics engineer once responded, when asked about his political views, "I am a pedestrian; I walk on both sides of the road, picking the lane that best suits me under the conditions at that time". Good response.
By nature, and I guess due to what I perceive as reality...given my life's experiences...I lean somewhat conservative. At the same time, I do not want anyone, conservative, liberal, or pedestrian, treading on my rights. The basic rights, as were laid out in the Constitution that help set up this country more than two centuries ago.
All sorts of stuff makes the rounds of the internet. Some of it is true, some not. Some has a basis for truth, some of it is just full of crap. (You can "snope-it", but as we've learned, that's not an impartial source of information, either). I guess it's like that old game where you whisper a simple sentence in one person's ear, and it's whispered into ears around the room, all the way to the last person. Then, the first (originator) and last persons write the sentences on a sheet of paper. Seldom are they even close to the having the same meaning.
That said, there are some things about our current Commander-In-Chief that I would, once and for all, love to have cleared up and explained to me.
I cannot, for the life of me, believe that President Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States. So, why hasn't someone produced his birth certificate?
If he has held a passport...and, I presume he had one before he was president...where is it? That should be easy enough to get. If it's a U.S. passport, why not show and tell? If it's a foreign-issued passport, I am sure there's a logical explanation. Right?
Ok, those seem to be the big questions. But, just because the factions of one group or another make allegations, doesn't mean it's newsworthy. Right? Well, yes. And, no. I would think that the mainstream media would seek an opportunity to make a big splash with something that has become such a widespread issue on the internet. If the internet allegations are not true, then a media investigation could take the wind out of the sails of a lot of people. However, if they are true, and our president is either a foreign born national, or illegally obtained a foreign passport so he could travel to countries on the Do Not Travel list, then that media would have a great story.
So why not check it out? Who's going to tell NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN or Fox that they can't have that information? Such a refusal would certainly be a smoking gun. After two years, I would have thought that a good producer and reporter would have learned the truth, one way or the other.
Now, for some more stuff from the internet. A lot of questions, but not a lot of answers. Food for thought that certainly makes one wonder. Facts and figures have a couple variables. Yeah, really, they do. The real facts and figures are only as accurate as the person or persons inputting them. Any variation in the inputting process can taint the outcome. Governments and big corporations do it all the time. If you've ever prepared a budget, I'm sure you're familiar with the process of manipulation. That's where you massage the numbers to make sure everything comes out like the Big Guys, or the public, expects. Doesn't make it right, it just makes it look right. In other words, it's a snow job.
I don't know the source of the facts and comparisons between George W. Bush and Barack Obama. I do know that a lot of people have questions and concerns about what's going on in this country. As they should. It is interesting and I fnd it thought provoking. Be your own judge. In other words, think like an Independent.
By the way, these are not from some right wing-er. Though, no doubt, he's conservative. As am I. Strange how a lot of people blow off anyone who leans conservative, This gentleman's a retired marine general, a guy that has seen a lot of action. A realist. Interesting questions, below, if you'll keep an open mind.
If George W. Bush had doubled the national debt, which had taken more than two centuries to accumulate, in one year, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had then proposed to double the debt again within 10 years, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had criticized a state law that he admitted he never even read, would you think that he is just an ignorant hot head?
If George W. Bush joined the country of Mexico and sued a state (AZ) in the United States to force that state to continue to allow illegal immigration, would you question his patriotism and wonder who's side he was on?
If George Bush had pronounced the Marine Corps like Marine Corpse would you think him an idiot?
If George W. Bush had put 87,000 workers out of work by arbitrarily placing a moratorium on offshore oil drilling on companies that have one of the best safety records of any industry because one company had an accident would you have agreed?
If George W. Bush had used a forged document as the basis of the moratorium that would render 87,000 American workers unemployed would you support him?
If George W. Bush had been the first President to need a TelePrompTer installed to be able to get through a press conference, would you have laughed and said this is more proof of how inept he is on his own and is really controlled by smarter men behind the scenes?
If George W. Bush had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to take Laura Bush to a play in NYC, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had reduced your retirement plan's holdings of GM stock by 90% and given the unions a majority stake in GM, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had made a joke at the expense of the Special Olympics, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had given Gordon Brown a set of inexpensive and incorrectly formatted DVDs, when Gordon Brown had given him a thoughtful and historically significant gift, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had given the Queen of England an iPod containing videos of his speeches, would you have thought this embarrassingly narcissistic and tacky?
If George W. Bush had bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia , would you have approved?
If George W.. Bush had visited Austria and made reference to the nonexistent "Austrian language," would you have brushed it off as a minor slip?
If George W. Bush had filled his cabinet and circle of advisers with people who cannot seem to keep current in their income taxes, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had stated that there were 57 states in the United States , would you have said that he is clueless.
If George W. Bush would have flown all the way to Denmark to make a five minute speech about how the Olympics would benefit him walking out his front door in Texas , would you have thought he was a self important, conceited, egotistical jerk.
If George W. Bush had been so Spanish illiterate as to refer to "Cinco de Cuatro" in front of the Mexican ambassador when it was the 5th of May (Cinco de Mayo), and continued to flub it when he tried again, would you have winced in embarrassment?
If George W. Bush had burned 9,000 gallons of jet fuel to go plant a single tree on Earth Day, would you have concluded he's a hypocrite?
If George W. Bush's administration had okayed Air Force One flying low over millions of people followed by a jet fighter in downtown Manhattan causing widespread panic, would you have wondered whether they actually get what happened on 9-11?
If George W.. Bush had failed to send relief aid to flood victims throughout the Midwest with more people killed or made homeless than in New Orleans , would you want it made into a major ongoing political issue with claims of racism and incompetence?
If George W. Bush had created the position of 32 Czars who report directly to him, bypassing the House and Senate on much of what is happening in America , would you have approved.
If George W. Bush had ordered the firing of the CEO of a major corporation, even though he had no constitutional authority to do so, would you have approved?
So, tell me again, what is it about Obama that makes him so brilliant and impressive? Can't think of anything? Don't worry. He's done all this in 24 months -- so you'll have 1 year and 9 months to come up with an answer.
Every statement in this email is factual and directly attributable to Barrack Hussein Obama.
Every bumble is a matter of record and completely verifiable.
(Note...if I was a mainstream reporter or news producer, I would take each and every one of these "IF'S" and either verify them, or blow them out of the water. Either way, since they have received a LOT of attention on the internet, the story would be huge! But, that would require INDEPENDENT, unbiased thinking, going in with no preconceived notions. Ahhh...the good old days. Gone forever)
Have a great day. And, keep your minds open. Question everything, like I do. When a weatherman tells you the sky is blue, open your blinds and check for yourself.
Now, down to business. You have likely gathered that I have no loyalties to any particular party. One of the reasons I am a registered Independent. I kinda like that word. To me, it means that I am a free-thinker, and I don't let any party finatics decide what my beliefs will be. As an electronics engineer once responded, when asked about his political views, "I am a pedestrian; I walk on both sides of the road, picking the lane that best suits me under the conditions at that time". Good response.
By nature, and I guess due to what I perceive as reality...given my life's experiences...I lean somewhat conservative. At the same time, I do not want anyone, conservative, liberal, or pedestrian, treading on my rights. The basic rights, as were laid out in the Constitution that help set up this country more than two centuries ago.
All sorts of stuff makes the rounds of the internet. Some of it is true, some not. Some has a basis for truth, some of it is just full of crap. (You can "snope-it", but as we've learned, that's not an impartial source of information, either). I guess it's like that old game where you whisper a simple sentence in one person's ear, and it's whispered into ears around the room, all the way to the last person. Then, the first (originator) and last persons write the sentences on a sheet of paper. Seldom are they even close to the having the same meaning.
That said, there are some things about our current Commander-In-Chief that I would, once and for all, love to have cleared up and explained to me.
I cannot, for the life of me, believe that President Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States. So, why hasn't someone produced his birth certificate?
If he has held a passport...and, I presume he had one before he was president...where is it? That should be easy enough to get. If it's a U.S. passport, why not show and tell? If it's a foreign-issued passport, I am sure there's a logical explanation. Right?
Ok, those seem to be the big questions. But, just because the factions of one group or another make allegations, doesn't mean it's newsworthy. Right? Well, yes. And, no. I would think that the mainstream media would seek an opportunity to make a big splash with something that has become such a widespread issue on the internet. If the internet allegations are not true, then a media investigation could take the wind out of the sails of a lot of people. However, if they are true, and our president is either a foreign born national, or illegally obtained a foreign passport so he could travel to countries on the Do Not Travel list, then that media would have a great story.
So why not check it out? Who's going to tell NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN or Fox that they can't have that information? Such a refusal would certainly be a smoking gun. After two years, I would have thought that a good producer and reporter would have learned the truth, one way or the other.
Now, for some more stuff from the internet. A lot of questions, but not a lot of answers. Food for thought that certainly makes one wonder. Facts and figures have a couple variables. Yeah, really, they do. The real facts and figures are only as accurate as the person or persons inputting them. Any variation in the inputting process can taint the outcome. Governments and big corporations do it all the time. If you've ever prepared a budget, I'm sure you're familiar with the process of manipulation. That's where you massage the numbers to make sure everything comes out like the Big Guys, or the public, expects. Doesn't make it right, it just makes it look right. In other words, it's a snow job.
I don't know the source of the facts and comparisons between George W. Bush and Barack Obama. I do know that a lot of people have questions and concerns about what's going on in this country. As they should. It is interesting and I fnd it thought provoking. Be your own judge. In other words, think like an Independent.
By the way, these are not from some right wing-er. Though, no doubt, he's conservative. As am I. Strange how a lot of people blow off anyone who leans conservative, This gentleman's a retired marine general, a guy that has seen a lot of action. A realist. Interesting questions, below, if you'll keep an open mind.
If George W. Bush had doubled the national debt, which had taken more than two centuries to accumulate, in one year, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had then proposed to double the debt again within 10 years, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had criticized a state law that he admitted he never even read, would you think that he is just an ignorant hot head?
If George W. Bush joined the country of Mexico and sued a state (AZ) in the United States to force that state to continue to allow illegal immigration, would you question his patriotism and wonder who's side he was on?
If George Bush had pronounced the Marine Corps like Marine Corpse would you think him an idiot?
If George W. Bush had put 87,000 workers out of work by arbitrarily placing a moratorium on offshore oil drilling on companies that have one of the best safety records of any industry because one company had an accident would you have agreed?
If George W. Bush had used a forged document as the basis of the moratorium that would render 87,000 American workers unemployed would you support him?
If George W. Bush had been the first President to need a TelePrompTer installed to be able to get through a press conference, would you have laughed and said this is more proof of how inept he is on his own and is really controlled by smarter men behind the scenes?
If George W. Bush had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to take Laura Bush to a play in NYC, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had reduced your retirement plan's holdings of GM stock by 90% and given the unions a majority stake in GM, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had made a joke at the expense of the Special Olympics, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had given Gordon Brown a set of inexpensive and incorrectly formatted DVDs, when Gordon Brown had given him a thoughtful and historically significant gift, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had given the Queen of England an iPod containing videos of his speeches, would you have thought this embarrassingly narcissistic and tacky?
If George W. Bush had bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia , would you have approved?
If George W.. Bush had visited Austria and made reference to the nonexistent "Austrian language," would you have brushed it off as a minor slip?
If George W. Bush had filled his cabinet and circle of advisers with people who cannot seem to keep current in their income taxes, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had stated that there were 57 states in the United States , would you have said that he is clueless.
If George W. Bush would have flown all the way to Denmark to make a five minute speech about how the Olympics would benefit him walking out his front door in Texas , would you have thought he was a self important, conceited, egotistical jerk.
If George W. Bush had been so Spanish illiterate as to refer to "Cinco de Cuatro" in front of the Mexican ambassador when it was the 5th of May (Cinco de Mayo), and continued to flub it when he tried again, would you have winced in embarrassment?
If George W. Bush had burned 9,000 gallons of jet fuel to go plant a single tree on Earth Day, would you have concluded he's a hypocrite?
If George W. Bush's administration had okayed Air Force One flying low over millions of people followed by a jet fighter in downtown Manhattan causing widespread panic, would you have wondered whether they actually get what happened on 9-11?
If George W.. Bush had failed to send relief aid to flood victims throughout the Midwest with more people killed or made homeless than in New Orleans , would you want it made into a major ongoing political issue with claims of racism and incompetence?
If George W. Bush had created the position of 32 Czars who report directly to him, bypassing the House and Senate on much of what is happening in America , would you have approved.
If George W. Bush had ordered the firing of the CEO of a major corporation, even though he had no constitutional authority to do so, would you have approved?
So, tell me again, what is it about Obama that makes him so brilliant and impressive? Can't think of anything? Don't worry. He's done all this in 24 months -- so you'll have 1 year and 9 months to come up with an answer.
Every statement in this email is factual and directly attributable to Barrack Hussein Obama.
Every bumble is a matter of record and completely verifiable.
(Note...if I was a mainstream reporter or news producer, I would take each and every one of these "IF'S" and either verify them, or blow them out of the water. Either way, since they have received a LOT of attention on the internet, the story would be huge! But, that would require INDEPENDENT, unbiased thinking, going in with no preconceived notions. Ahhh...the good old days. Gone forever)
Have a great day. And, keep your minds open. Question everything, like I do. When a weatherman tells you the sky is blue, open your blinds and check for yourself.
Friday, February 11, 2011
In Leno's words: "What in the hell were you thinking?"
Yep, back in the 90's, the 19-90's, not the Gay 90's of a century earlier... that was Leno's first question of actor Hugh Grant who had just been caught with a street hooker.
Same question, today, should be posed to the watchdogs we elected to keep an eye our tax dollars. A Colorado company called Range Fuels was selected to pursue the production of cellulosic ethanol. What is that, you ask? Well, instead of corn, it seems that wood chips could produce this excuse for fuel. You know, ethanol, aka gasohol. The stuff that breaks down into alcohol, absorbs water, and destroys gasoline engines.
Don't get me started, again.
Range Fuels got a 76-million dollar grant...another name for tax dollars...and promised to build a plant in Georgia. They promised to produce 20 million gallons of wood chip ethanol in 2008. Their eventual goal was to be 100-million gallons per year.
That was "then". In 2010, we learned that Range Fuels would finally produce FOUR million gallons. Remember, they were to produce 20 million the first year (2008), and reach a goal of 100 million gallons per year shortly after. FOUR million gallons, for 2010, was their FIRST production. Wait a minute! Turns out the FOUR million gallons was for METHANOL, not cellulistic ethanol. What the heck! It's the same stuff that others have been producing for quite a while.
Range Fuels has collected 162-MILLION tax dollars, plus untold millions in private funds, and has come up with zilch. So, $162,000,000 for 4,000,000 gallons of ETHANOL/methanol. That's $40 per gallon that it's cost the taxpayers. You and me. Think about it when you write your next check to the Infernal Revune Service.
Seems our watchdogs are asleep on the job. And, I thought that only weathermen could keep their jobs when they're only half right. Perhaps it's time that we get some real watchdogs, with teeth, to watch the watchdogs that we elected.
Same question, today, should be posed to the watchdogs we elected to keep an eye our tax dollars. A Colorado company called Range Fuels was selected to pursue the production of cellulosic ethanol. What is that, you ask? Well, instead of corn, it seems that wood chips could produce this excuse for fuel. You know, ethanol, aka gasohol. The stuff that breaks down into alcohol, absorbs water, and destroys gasoline engines.
Don't get me started, again.
Range Fuels got a 76-million dollar grant...another name for tax dollars...and promised to build a plant in Georgia. They promised to produce 20 million gallons of wood chip ethanol in 2008. Their eventual goal was to be 100-million gallons per year.
That was "then". In 2010, we learned that Range Fuels would finally produce FOUR million gallons. Remember, they were to produce 20 million the first year (2008), and reach a goal of 100 million gallons per year shortly after. FOUR million gallons, for 2010, was their FIRST production. Wait a minute! Turns out the FOUR million gallons was for METHANOL, not cellulistic ethanol. What the heck! It's the same stuff that others have been producing for quite a while.
Range Fuels has collected 162-MILLION tax dollars, plus untold millions in private funds, and has come up with zilch. So, $162,000,000 for 4,000,000 gallons of ETHANOL/methanol. That's $40 per gallon that it's cost the taxpayers. You and me. Think about it when you write your next check to the Infernal Revune Service.
Seems our watchdogs are asleep on the job. And, I thought that only weathermen could keep their jobs when they're only half right. Perhaps it's time that we get some real watchdogs, with teeth, to watch the watchdogs that we elected.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
A Buncha Talking Hams
I've noted it before, but I want to talk about it again. Actually, it's "all about me"...yes, I know...again.
Many moons ago, 1961 if you will, at a very early age, I managed to pass a "test of theory and electronics and rules and such", along with a CW test, and jumped into what so many in that day thought was reserved for geeks (CW, by the way, is Continuous Wave, a tone that's transmitted but is interrupted by dots and dashes. Ok, I'll get less's Morse Code).
I became a ham. An amateur radio operator. WN4HMR, as a novice; then "graduated", after another test, to a general-class ham, WA4HMR.
In those days, we really didn't know what geeks were. Except that we were them. I guess. I never thought of it like that. I always considered it an opportunity and privileg to talk with people all over the world. And I did just that. Sometimes, to the dismay of my sister. Oh, transmitter interfered with her "record player". Eddie Fisher, Perry Como, the Beatles...I was MUCH more powerful than any of those guys. And, in my French II class, I played a tape recording several times of an elderly gent, F3II, a ham in Nice, France, reading the headlines from a Paris newspaper, then translating those headlines. I absolutely aced French II.
Anyway, after a run at the ham thing, I became preoccupied with other hobbies, including SCUBA diving. My license expired, and I didn't renew it. Shame on me.
Over the decades since, I toyed with the notiion that, one day, I'd do it all over again. Well, folks, I did. Or, I have. Whatever. A year ago, thanks to the fine hams at a club in Jacksonville (NC), I brushed up on the current rules and such, passed the test, and picked up a new radio. Boy, have they changed over the decades. The rules AND the radios. What once took up a large chunk of real estate in my bedroom now sets on the corner of my computer desk. More powerful than the older rigs I had, too.
Of course, I needed an antenna. A simple one. For now, anyway. You should have seen my "antenna farm" back then. Utility poles, a tower, antennas strung from name it, I built it. Because, that was what hams did. And, it was fun. Much more fun that "chatting"with voiceless entities on those "social-less" networks. I talked, in those days, with real people, in real countries, people from all walks of life. From research stations in Antartica, to the jungles of South and Central America, to a ham in his car in Germany, to hams on board Navy and Coast Guard vessels. It was a blast.
And, hey. Guess what. I'm doing it all over again. Take today. Just an ordinary Wednesday. While working on some rules for an upcoming fishing tournament that I'm chairing, I tuned across one of the ham bands that, at times, can be rather lively. So, today, from my little "shack"(that's we hams call our radio to the other folks out there), I "worked" (that means I had conversations, or QSO's, with them) Ivan, IZ4DLR in Calderara di Reno BO (that's in Italy); Stan (Stanislaw), DF8WZ, in Bergheim Gemany; Javier, HR2J in San Pedro Sula CO, Honduras; and Altino, CU7AA, in HORTA Portugal (in the Azores, to be specific).
Now, to you non-geeks out there, that might not mean much. But, geek or not, being able to reach out to other guys all over the world, and just "chat" for a few minutes or an hour, is pretty darn cool. And, as it did when I was in school, it certainly makes me a lot wiser about geography. What's cool about "playing ham radio" these days, is that I can instantly, via the internet, punch in the other guy's call letters on a ham web site, and I get the location of my "contact", and even pick up a bit of information about him. It tells exactly how far I am from those contacts. 4500 miles from Ivan, for instance.
Now, that's just pretty darn cool. Even if I am a geek.
By the way, after passing the test in 2010, I applied for my original call sign. It had remained dormant for about six years, at that time. I am now, once again, and 50 years later, WA4HMR. (Another ham had been assigned that call in the 1970's, and kept it 2004...been wondering exactly what happened to him).
If you're a ham, reading this, in a land far, far away, you can find me from time to time, on 17 meters. I do check in, regularly, on a ham network, at 14.300 MHz. That's a frequency a lot of hams monitor and listen for other hams who are on their boats...Maritime Mobile hams. As you might guess, when I return to the high seas this spring, my radio's going with me. When the fish aren't bitin', I'll be chatting it up on one of the ham bands.
If you want to know more about the hobby, and have an interest, you are likely near a ham club. If you have troubles, drop me an e-mail, and I'll send you in the right direction.
73's. (Look it up)
Many moons ago, 1961 if you will, at a very early age, I managed to pass a "test of theory and electronics and rules and such", along with a CW test, and jumped into what so many in that day thought was reserved for geeks (CW, by the way, is Continuous Wave, a tone that's transmitted but is interrupted by dots and dashes. Ok, I'll get less's Morse Code).
I became a ham. An amateur radio operator. WN4HMR, as a novice; then "graduated", after another test, to a general-class ham, WA4HMR.
In those days, we really didn't know what geeks were. Except that we were them. I guess. I never thought of it like that. I always considered it an opportunity and privileg to talk with people all over the world. And I did just that. Sometimes, to the dismay of my sister. Oh, transmitter interfered with her "record player". Eddie Fisher, Perry Como, the Beatles...I was MUCH more powerful than any of those guys. And, in my French II class, I played a tape recording several times of an elderly gent, F3II, a ham in Nice, France, reading the headlines from a Paris newspaper, then translating those headlines. I absolutely aced French II.
Anyway, after a run at the ham thing, I became preoccupied with other hobbies, including SCUBA diving. My license expired, and I didn't renew it. Shame on me.
Over the decades since, I toyed with the notiion that, one day, I'd do it all over again. Well, folks, I did. Or, I have. Whatever. A year ago, thanks to the fine hams at a club in Jacksonville (NC), I brushed up on the current rules and such, passed the test, and picked up a new radio. Boy, have they changed over the decades. The rules AND the radios. What once took up a large chunk of real estate in my bedroom now sets on the corner of my computer desk. More powerful than the older rigs I had, too.
Of course, I needed an antenna. A simple one. For now, anyway. You should have seen my "antenna farm" back then. Utility poles, a tower, antennas strung from name it, I built it. Because, that was what hams did. And, it was fun. Much more fun that "chatting"with voiceless entities on those "social-less" networks. I talked, in those days, with real people, in real countries, people from all walks of life. From research stations in Antartica, to the jungles of South and Central America, to a ham in his car in Germany, to hams on board Navy and Coast Guard vessels. It was a blast.
And, hey. Guess what. I'm doing it all over again. Take today. Just an ordinary Wednesday. While working on some rules for an upcoming fishing tournament that I'm chairing, I tuned across one of the ham bands that, at times, can be rather lively. So, today, from my little "shack"(that's we hams call our radio to the other folks out there), I "worked" (that means I had conversations, or QSO's, with them) Ivan, IZ4DLR in Calderara di Reno BO (that's in Italy); Stan (Stanislaw), DF8WZ, in Bergheim Gemany; Javier, HR2J in San Pedro Sula CO, Honduras; and Altino, CU7AA, in HORTA Portugal (in the Azores, to be specific).
Now, to you non-geeks out there, that might not mean much. But, geek or not, being able to reach out to other guys all over the world, and just "chat" for a few minutes or an hour, is pretty darn cool. And, as it did when I was in school, it certainly makes me a lot wiser about geography. What's cool about "playing ham radio" these days, is that I can instantly, via the internet, punch in the other guy's call letters on a ham web site, and I get the location of my "contact", and even pick up a bit of information about him. It tells exactly how far I am from those contacts. 4500 miles from Ivan, for instance.
Now, that's just pretty darn cool. Even if I am a geek.
By the way, after passing the test in 2010, I applied for my original call sign. It had remained dormant for about six years, at that time. I am now, once again, and 50 years later, WA4HMR. (Another ham had been assigned that call in the 1970's, and kept it 2004...been wondering exactly what happened to him).
If you're a ham, reading this, in a land far, far away, you can find me from time to time, on 17 meters. I do check in, regularly, on a ham network, at 14.300 MHz. That's a frequency a lot of hams monitor and listen for other hams who are on their boats...Maritime Mobile hams. As you might guess, when I return to the high seas this spring, my radio's going with me. When the fish aren't bitin', I'll be chatting it up on one of the ham bands.
If you want to know more about the hobby, and have an interest, you are likely near a ham club. If you have troubles, drop me an e-mail, and I'll send you in the right direction.
73's. (Look it up)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Cleaning Toilets or Selling ain't all about the internet
I love stories like the one I'm including with this post.
You don't have to have all the fancy newfangled toys to become a success.
My goodness, my dad did a great job, starting at the ground floor...and made a better than good living, providing for his family.
He was , without a doubt, one of the smartest people I've ever known.
And, he did it without cheating others.
That's a post script, and has little to do with this post.
Ok, enough about that.
You, I think, will enjoy the story.
As all good stories, it has a moral.
Actually, it has several.
Click and read. (You may have to copy and paste all this into your browser window)
Then, if you like it, send this blog link to your friends and neighbors. Don't forget your relatives.
You don't have to have all the fancy newfangled toys to become a success.
My goodness, my dad did a great job, starting at the ground floor...and made a better than good living, providing for his family.
He was , without a doubt, one of the smartest people I've ever known.
And, he did it without cheating others.
That's a post script, and has little to do with this post.
Ok, enough about that.
You, I think, will enjoy the story.
As all good stories, it has a moral.
Actually, it has several.
Click and read. (You may have to copy and paste all this into your browser window)
Then, if you like it, send this blog link to your friends and neighbors. Don't forget your relatives.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Stimulus Money in North Carolina
Another politician gets the boot. Bob Etheridge was removed from Congress in November because they didn't think he could get the job done. He wasn't alone.
Maybe he's licking his wounds, this former Congressman/Superintendent of NC Public Schools/tobacco farmer/hardware store owner, but he is obviously recovering nicely. Thanks goes to NC's first woman governor, Beverly Perdue, for making him feel useful. She recently APPOINTED Ehteridge to a $98-thousand job, one that will allow him to oversee what's left of North Carolina's share of infamous "stimulus" money. Yep, good old Bob, at 69, while drawing a lifetime salary as an "ex-congressman", gets to make sure the stimulas money is spent right. He has the experience for that job, right? Yeah. Right.
Perdue, you'll recall, promised that the state's unemployment rate would never get above eight percent during her reign. Stimulus money would create new jobs, and consumer confidence would be restored. It was going to be "all right". With the unemployment rate at 10-percent, the only new job I know anything about is the one she created for one of the good old boys. Seems more like a reign of terror.
Well, maybe it's not really as bad as I've made it sound. We know I'm a sarcastic so-and-so, and that I strongly urge voters to kick out EVERY person in the U.S. Congress and Senate, and replace our president and governor. But, I'll fess up...I could be wrong.
But. Why don't YOU take a look at how some of the state's share of that stimulus money has already been spent. Keep in mind, as you look this over, that the money was meant to stimulate consumer spending and create jobs.
In a "best of Obama Spending List", Brian Balfour of the John Pope Institute (they describe themselves as a conservative "research and public policy" organization in North Carolina), highlights a few of the benefits of the stimulus money:
1. Study of monkeys using cocaine: $71,623Wake Forest University was granted money to “study the effects of self-administering cocaine on the glutamate system on monkeys.”
2. North Carolina Dance Theatre: $50,000
This grant is used to retain four professional dancers from the North Carolina Dance Theatre’s second company.
3. Reducing hot flashes through yoga: $147,694
Funds granted to Wake Forest University to study “preliminary data on the efficacy of integral yoga for reducing menopausal hot flashes.”
4. Collecting, researching and reporting on the stimulus act:
Total: $492,940
Nearly half a million taxpayer dollars will go toward funding more propaganda selling the “benefits” of the stimulus plan.
5. Create interactive dance performance technology: $762,372
This grant to UNC-Charlotte will fund the development of computer technology to digitally record the dance moves of performers. The recorded movements can then be reviewed and manipulated by a computer program. Although creating virtual-reality type technology for dance movements may be interesting to those involved, how does this serve to “protect the education of our children”? At an average salary of roughly $47,000, this money could have saved 16 North Carolina teacher jobs.
6. American Dance Festival, Inc.: $50,000
A graphic designer and archivist will retain their jobs thanks to this grant. The American Dance Festival hosts dance classes, workshops and engages in other charitable activities to help support dancers.
7. Construction of a new Town Hall in Bladenboro:
Total: $300,000
Why are taxpayers from across the country forced to finance construction of a local government office? .
8. North Carolina Folk Life Institute:$25,000
With the help of this grant, the Institute was able to retain its executive director.
9. Preservation of an insect collection at North Carolina State: $253,123
We were promised that the stimulus was going to “save jobs.”
10. Greensboro Symphony Orchestra: $50,000
These funds are used to retain the GSO’s director of marketing and education manager.
Perhaps they should have combined 1 and 3, and studied cocaine's effect on hot flashes.
Am I the only person outraged by this kind of wasteful spending? It's just the tip of the iceberg, Folks, unless we, as taxpayers and voters, step up to the plate, and INSIST that those who represent us actually have our best interest at heart, then you can bet that we are headed for a Titanic ending.
Maybe he's licking his wounds, this former Congressman/Superintendent of NC Public Schools/tobacco farmer/hardware store owner, but he is obviously recovering nicely. Thanks goes to NC's first woman governor, Beverly Perdue, for making him feel useful. She recently APPOINTED Ehteridge to a $98-thousand job, one that will allow him to oversee what's left of North Carolina's share of infamous "stimulus" money. Yep, good old Bob, at 69, while drawing a lifetime salary as an "ex-congressman", gets to make sure the stimulas money is spent right. He has the experience for that job, right? Yeah. Right.
Perdue, you'll recall, promised that the state's unemployment rate would never get above eight percent during her reign. Stimulus money would create new jobs, and consumer confidence would be restored. It was going to be "all right". With the unemployment rate at 10-percent, the only new job I know anything about is the one she created for one of the good old boys. Seems more like a reign of terror.
Well, maybe it's not really as bad as I've made it sound. We know I'm a sarcastic so-and-so, and that I strongly urge voters to kick out EVERY person in the U.S. Congress and Senate, and replace our president and governor. But, I'll fess up...I could be wrong.
But. Why don't YOU take a look at how some of the state's share of that stimulus money has already been spent. Keep in mind, as you look this over, that the money was meant to stimulate consumer spending and create jobs.
In a "best of Obama Spending List", Brian Balfour of the John Pope Institute (they describe themselves as a conservative "research and public policy" organization in North Carolina), highlights a few of the benefits of the stimulus money:
1. Study of monkeys using cocaine: $71,623Wake Forest University was granted money to “study the effects of self-administering cocaine on the glutamate system on monkeys.”
2. North Carolina Dance Theatre: $50,000
This grant is used to retain four professional dancers from the North Carolina Dance Theatre’s second company.
3. Reducing hot flashes through yoga: $147,694
Funds granted to Wake Forest University to study “preliminary data on the efficacy of integral yoga for reducing menopausal hot flashes.”
4. Collecting, researching and reporting on the stimulus act:
Total: $492,940
Nearly half a million taxpayer dollars will go toward funding more propaganda selling the “benefits” of the stimulus plan.
5. Create interactive dance performance technology: $762,372
This grant to UNC-Charlotte will fund the development of computer technology to digitally record the dance moves of performers. The recorded movements can then be reviewed and manipulated by a computer program. Although creating virtual-reality type technology for dance movements may be interesting to those involved, how does this serve to “protect the education of our children”? At an average salary of roughly $47,000, this money could have saved 16 North Carolina teacher jobs.
6. American Dance Festival, Inc.: $50,000
A graphic designer and archivist will retain their jobs thanks to this grant. The American Dance Festival hosts dance classes, workshops and engages in other charitable activities to help support dancers.
7. Construction of a new Town Hall in Bladenboro:
Total: $300,000
Why are taxpayers from across the country forced to finance construction of a local government office? .
8. North Carolina Folk Life Institute:$25,000
With the help of this grant, the Institute was able to retain its executive director.
9. Preservation of an insect collection at North Carolina State: $253,123
We were promised that the stimulus was going to “save jobs.”
10. Greensboro Symphony Orchestra: $50,000
These funds are used to retain the GSO’s director of marketing and education manager.
Perhaps they should have combined 1 and 3, and studied cocaine's effect on hot flashes.
Am I the only person outraged by this kind of wasteful spending? It's just the tip of the iceberg, Folks, unless we, as taxpayers and voters, step up to the plate, and INSIST that those who represent us actually have our best interest at heart, then you can bet that we are headed for a Titanic ending.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Who's packing your chute? Too many at the top don't know, and the could care less.
In life, we strive to "make something of ourselves".
In the professional world, that often moves us up the proverbial food chain.
Too many climbers, WAY too many, forget to stop and thank those who helped them up that ladder.
They don't even recognize those who took pride in doing a good job.
The job of packing parachutes.
This is good. And, it's worth taking a few minutes to review. Music is good, the words are great. The thoughts are priceless.
In the professional world, that often moves us up the proverbial food chain.
Too many climbers, WAY too many, forget to stop and thank those who helped them up that ladder.
They don't even recognize those who took pride in doing a good job.
The job of packing parachutes.
This is good. And, it's worth taking a few minutes to review. Music is good, the words are great. The thoughts are priceless.
Southern Confidence
This one is, for the most part, non-political.
It's just downright funny.
I got it in one of the dozens of e-mails making the rounds each day. I like all of them, but some are those laugh-out-loud kind.
This is one.
And, it's worth sharing.
President Barack Obama was in the Oval Office when his telephone rang.
"Hello, President Obama” a heavily accented southern voice said. "This is Archie, down here at Joe's Catfish Shack, in Charleston, and I am callin' to tell ya’ll that we are officially declaring war on ya!"
"Well Archie," Barack replied, "This is indeed important news!
How big is your army?"
"Right now," said Archie, after a moments calculation "there is myself, my cousin Harold, my next-door-neighbor Randy, and the whole dart team from Hooters. That makes eight!"
Barack paused. "I must tell you, Archie, that I have one million men in my army waiting to move on my command."
"Wow," said Archie. "I'll have to call ya back!"
Sure enough, the next day, Archie called again. “Mr. Obama, the war is still on! We have managed to acquire some infantry equipment!"
"And what equipment would that be Archie?" Barack asked.
"Well sir, we have two combines, a bulldozer, and Harry’s farm tractor."
President Obama sighed. "I must tell you, Archie, that I have 16,000 tanks and 14,000 armored personnel carriers. Also I've increased my army to two million since we last spoke."
"Lord above", said Archie, "I'll be getting back to ya."
Sure enough, Archie called again the next day.
“President Obama! I am sorry to have to tell you that we have had to call off this here war."
"I'm sorry to hear that" said Barack. "Why the sudden change of heart?"
Well, sir," said Archie, "we've all sat ourselves down and had a long chat over sweet tea, and come to realize that there's just no way we can feed two million prisoners."
Ya'll have a good Super Bowl Sunday. I guess it's this weekend. I am not much of a TV sports fan. Saw the first Super Bowl way back then. And, I likely have seen only one since then in it's entirety. No, I am not un-American. I would rather watch a game in person than on the little screen.
I'm not even sure who's playing, but I am glad it's not Chicago. That'll save all of us a lot of money because the President won't be taking his relatives and friends to the big event.
It's just downright funny.
I got it in one of the dozens of e-mails making the rounds each day. I like all of them, but some are those laugh-out-loud kind.
This is one.
And, it's worth sharing.
President Barack Obama was in the Oval Office when his telephone rang.
"Hello, President Obama” a heavily accented southern voice said. "This is Archie, down here at Joe's Catfish Shack, in Charleston, and I am callin' to tell ya’ll that we are officially declaring war on ya!"
"Well Archie," Barack replied, "This is indeed important news!
How big is your army?"
"Right now," said Archie, after a moments calculation "there is myself, my cousin Harold, my next-door-neighbor Randy, and the whole dart team from Hooters. That makes eight!"
Barack paused. "I must tell you, Archie, that I have one million men in my army waiting to move on my command."
"Wow," said Archie. "I'll have to call ya back!"
Sure enough, the next day, Archie called again. “Mr. Obama, the war is still on! We have managed to acquire some infantry equipment!"
"And what equipment would that be Archie?" Barack asked.
"Well sir, we have two combines, a bulldozer, and Harry’s farm tractor."
President Obama sighed. "I must tell you, Archie, that I have 16,000 tanks and 14,000 armored personnel carriers. Also I've increased my army to two million since we last spoke."
"Lord above", said Archie, "I'll be getting back to ya."
Sure enough, Archie called again the next day.
“President Obama! I am sorry to have to tell you that we have had to call off this here war."
"I'm sorry to hear that" said Barack. "Why the sudden change of heart?"
Well, sir," said Archie, "we've all sat ourselves down and had a long chat over sweet tea, and come to realize that there's just no way we can feed two million prisoners."
Ya'll have a good Super Bowl Sunday. I guess it's this weekend. I am not much of a TV sports fan. Saw the first Super Bowl way back then. And, I likely have seen only one since then in it's entirety. No, I am not un-American. I would rather watch a game in person than on the little screen.
I'm not even sure who's playing, but I am glad it's not Chicago. That'll save all of us a lot of money because the President won't be taking his relatives and friends to the big event.
Friday, February 4, 2011
An Irish Wish, The Weather, Cantore, POTUS
All sorts of stuff makes the internet rounds.
I hope you read it all, believe almost nothing you read, and laugh at what you want.
Ok. That's about as deep as I choose to get on this rainy, gloom-filled evening in February.
Regardless of what the weather geeks predict, the groundhog and I agree.
Spring is gonna show up early.
He said "early".
I said, even before he "announced" the early arrival of spring, that it would actually arrive TWO WEEKS early in 2011. least the history I choose to remember...has shown that it is "unseasonably" warm (that's a weather guy's thing) for several days near Valentine's Day (hey, guys...that's the 14th of February. Do NOT be stupid and forget it until the last minute and grab a silk rose from a convenience store on the way have been warned!).
Well, we got that warm-up a bit early. About two weeks early. And, for those of us in the sunny south, in Jacksonville NC, where it almost nevah snows, we had SLEET and freezing rain (yes, there is a difference, but they're both cold) on the evening of 4 December (I was on my boat in the Jacksonville Flotilla and can attest to that, whether Cantore believes it, or not...and, yes, I know him...did you see him in the thunder snowstorm?), plus two...count them...TWO snowfalls in December and January. It has been a rather miserable winter.
But, using my math (Mrs. Hardison would be proud), spring WILL arrive two weeks early.
For those of us who like to fish, that means we will be catching spanish mackerel in mid April. The water temperature must hit 68 degrees before the little buggers come close to shore.
Mark my word. It will happen. Not long after April Fool's Day. Around the anniversary of my birth. This year. Bet a buck on it.
Now, back to the Irish Fiendship you thought I had forgotten, right?
I hope you read it all, believe almost nothing you read, and laugh at what you want.
Ok. That's about as deep as I choose to get on this rainy, gloom-filled evening in February.
Regardless of what the weather geeks predict, the groundhog and I agree.
Spring is gonna show up early.
He said "early".
I said, even before he "announced" the early arrival of spring, that it would actually arrive TWO WEEKS early in 2011. least the history I choose to remember...has shown that it is "unseasonably" warm (that's a weather guy's thing) for several days near Valentine's Day (hey, guys...that's the 14th of February. Do NOT be stupid and forget it until the last minute and grab a silk rose from a convenience store on the way have been warned!).
Well, we got that warm-up a bit early. About two weeks early. And, for those of us in the sunny south, in Jacksonville NC, where it almost nevah snows, we had SLEET and freezing rain (yes, there is a difference, but they're both cold) on the evening of 4 December (I was on my boat in the Jacksonville Flotilla and can attest to that, whether Cantore believes it, or not...and, yes, I know him...did you see him in the thunder snowstorm?), plus two...count them...TWO snowfalls in December and January. It has been a rather miserable winter.
But, using my math (Mrs. Hardison would be proud), spring WILL arrive two weeks early.
For those of us who like to fish, that means we will be catching spanish mackerel in mid April. The water temperature must hit 68 degrees before the little buggers come close to shore.
Mark my word. It will happen. Not long after April Fool's Day. Around the anniversary of my birth. This year. Bet a buck on it.
Now, back to the Irish Fiendship you thought I had forgotten, right?
An Irish Friendship Wish
May there always be work for your hands to do;
May your purse always hold a coin or two;
May the sun always shine on your windowpane;
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;
May the hand of a friend be always near you;
May God fill your heart with kindness to cheer you;
And may you be in Heaven a half hour before the devil knows you’re dead!
Best to all for the Superbowl weekend. And, just be as glad as I that Chicago is not there. It means that POTUS will stay home (his home for a little while, anyway), and save us a LOT of tax dollars. Several MILLION dollars, in fact. Doubt that? I can do the math, if you wish.
And, for you, my Secret Service friend...stay safe.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
President Bush. A guy you could sit down and talk to.
Your political persuasion is of no imprtance to me. I don't support any political party (except my own, of course...yet to be named), and I don't vote along party lines.
And, that's all I'm gonna say about politics in this brief post. The attached video clip was sent to me today. Kinda neat, and in watching it, I decided that George W. Bush is a guy that I would feel comfortable with just sitting by the pool and talking to. And, from the video, it seems that, even if he's a southern white guy, he has rhythm. ("OMG! He didn't just say that, did he?").
Speakers up, and enjoy.
And, that's all I'm gonna say about politics in this brief post. The attached video clip was sent to me today. Kinda neat, and in watching it, I decided that George W. Bush is a guy that I would feel comfortable with just sitting by the pool and talking to. And, from the video, it seems that, even if he's a southern white guy, he has rhythm. ("OMG! He didn't just say that, did he?").
Speakers up, and enjoy.
Are Burkas Illegal? Might be, at least in North Carolina
Bet you didn't know that you could not wear a mask in North Carolina, except under certain circumstances. Like when it's cold and you need a ski mask. Or, when you're going to a masquerade ball. Or, on halloween. Or, if you're under 16.
Yep, it's illegal to walk around with anything that conceals your face. There's a good reason that the state legislature adopted this law back in 1953. A guy wearing a ski mask standing outside a liquor store, up until 1953, could not be dealt with. But, today, when police find a man outside a convenience store, wearing a mask, they don't have to wait until he robs the store to grab him. Makes sense.
Of course, the legislature, as is all too often the case, had to add exceptions. The original statute was simple. That means short and to the point:
§ 14‑12.8. Wearing of masks, hoods, etc., on public property.
No person or persons shall in this State, while wearing any mask, hood or device whereby the person, face or voice is disguised so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, enter, or appear upon or within the public property of any municipality or county of the State, or of the State of North Carolina. (1953, c. 1193, s. 7.)
Then, they had to come up with revisions. This is one. Note number (5):
§ 14‑12.11. Exemptions from provisions of Article.
The following are exempted from the provisions of G.S. 14‑12.7, 14‑12.8, 14‑12.9, 14‑12.10 and 14‑12.14:
(1) Any person or persons wearing traditional holiday costumes in season;
(2) Any person or persons engaged in trades and employment where a mask is worn for the purpose of ensuring the physical safety of the wearer, or because of the nature of the occupation, trade or profession;
(3) Any person or persons using masks in theatrical productions including use in Mardi Gras celebrations and masquerade balls;
(4) Persons wearing gas masks prescribed in civil defense drills and exercises or emergencies; and
(5) Any person or persons, as members or members elect of a society, order or organization, engaged in any parade, ritual, initiation, ceremony, celebration or requirement of such society, order or organization, and wearing or using any manner of costume, paraphernalia, disguise, facial makeup, hood, implement or device, whether the identity of such person or persons is concealed or not, on any public or private street, road, way or property, or in any public or private building, provided permission shall have been first obtained therefor by a representative of such society, order or organization from the governing body of the municipality in which the same takes place, or, if not in a municipality, from the board of county commissioners of the county in which the same takes place.
Provided, that the provisions of this Article shall not apply to any preliminary meetings held in good faith for the purpose of organizing, promoting or forming a labor union or a local organization or subdivision of any labor union nor shall the provisions of this Article apply to any meetings held by a labor union or organization already organized, operating and functioning and holding meetings for the purpose of transacting and carrying out functions, pursuits and affairs expressly pertaining to such labor union. (1953, c. 1193, s. 10.)
Not being a lawyer, I cannot find an exception for the traditional Muslim burka.
Looks like a mask to me. And, according to North Carolina law, unless their "leader" was granted permission by municipalities for these masks to be worn on a public street, roadway or property, or in a public or private building, wearing such an outfit is illegal.
Of course, they can be worn, legally, on halloween.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Some Stories Will Bring Tears To The Most Hard-Hearted People Out There
Oh, so many stories make it to the evening news every day of the week. Most are quickly forgotten. And that's a good thing, in many cases.
I spent many years in journalism, and I can tell you that most of the stuff we produced was a daily grind. From the morning meetings, to meetings with producers, the assignment desk, the reporters throughout each day, we prepared them. But, there truly are not a lot of stories that made much of an impact.
We enjoyed doing them, don't get me wrong. It was our job in our chosen profession. And, for the most part, the stories were actually important. To someone, to everyone. But, as it is with the daily paper, the headlines quckly faded.
There have been a few stories, like the one in the attachment below, that I will remember, hopefully forever. The remarkable video of a firefighter doing mouth to mouth on a dead cat. Remarkable was the effort. Even more remarkable was when the cat came back to life. One of my videographers shot that.
Death is a part of daily news. It's unfortunate. But, it's a fact. I don't mean the natural act of dying. That starts happening the day we're born. Tragic deaths, untimely deaths, early deaths. You know, the ones you see on TV at night, and read about in the paper. Tragic, untimely, and early. Yep. They are. But, all too often, they're forgotten just as quickly. The stories we told about those deaths and the families they left behind don't stay around long.
But, watch and listen. This is a story that moved me. One that I won't forget.
I spent many years in journalism, and I can tell you that most of the stuff we produced was a daily grind. From the morning meetings, to meetings with producers, the assignment desk, the reporters throughout each day, we prepared them. But, there truly are not a lot of stories that made much of an impact.
We enjoyed doing them, don't get me wrong. It was our job in our chosen profession. And, for the most part, the stories were actually important. To someone, to everyone. But, as it is with the daily paper, the headlines quckly faded.
There have been a few stories, like the one in the attachment below, that I will remember, hopefully forever. The remarkable video of a firefighter doing mouth to mouth on a dead cat. Remarkable was the effort. Even more remarkable was when the cat came back to life. One of my videographers shot that.
Death is a part of daily news. It's unfortunate. But, it's a fact. I don't mean the natural act of dying. That starts happening the day we're born. Tragic deaths, untimely deaths, early deaths. You know, the ones you see on TV at night, and read about in the paper. Tragic, untimely, and early. Yep. They are. But, all too often, they're forgotten just as quickly. The stories we told about those deaths and the families they left behind don't stay around long.
But, watch and listen. This is a story that moved me. One that I won't forget.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Senate Votes on ObamaCare-less
A federal judge relates it to the Boston Tea Party.
The US House has voted to repeal it.
The US Senate is taking it up Wednesday.
47 Repbulicans have said they will vote for the repeal.
It's up to the Senate democrats, now, to do the right thing.
My note to NC Senator Kay Hagan, one of those democrats.
As a longtime, forever resident of the Great State of North Carolina, I am encouraging you to do the right thing and vote to repeal this mess misnamed "ObamaCare".
I cannot, for the life of me, understand how our government can mandate that we, as free men and women, purchase anything.
Put yourself, Senator, in the shoes of those great Americans, more than 200 years ago, when they decided to take a stand against such actions. It was aptly called a revolution, our effort to rid ourselves of a government that failed to represent us.
It happened then. Not likely to happen again. At least, not in the same way. These days, our memories...thanks to the internet...last a long time. At least six years, the term of a US senator.
You, too, can reach out to Senator Hagan.
Fill out the form, type in your comments (keep them respectful, please), and hit "Submit".
It's just that simple.
The US House has voted to repeal it.
The US Senate is taking it up Wednesday.
47 Repbulicans have said they will vote for the repeal.
It's up to the Senate democrats, now, to do the right thing.
My note to NC Senator Kay Hagan, one of those democrats.
As a longtime, forever resident of the Great State of North Carolina, I am encouraging you to do the right thing and vote to repeal this mess misnamed "ObamaCare".
I cannot, for the life of me, understand how our government can mandate that we, as free men and women, purchase anything.
Put yourself, Senator, in the shoes of those great Americans, more than 200 years ago, when they decided to take a stand against such actions. It was aptly called a revolution, our effort to rid ourselves of a government that failed to represent us.
It happened then. Not likely to happen again. At least, not in the same way. These days, our memories...thanks to the internet...last a long time. At least six years, the term of a US senator.
You, too, can reach out to Senator Hagan.
Fill out the form, type in your comments (keep them respectful, please), and hit "Submit".
It's just that simple.
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