We can talk, all day long, about trillions of dollars. I have a difficult time visualing anything more than a hundred thousand. And, that is a buncha bucks. At least, by my standards.
I wanted to get a picture of exacly how much we owe. Easier said than seen, I can tell you that.
So, here we go.
Most of us have seen $100 bills. They look like this.
You might even have a few in your wallet right now.
(If you do, I love lobster...they've got some nice frozen lobster tails at a Sam's near you. Hint, hint)
A thousand bucks isn't too difficult to picture, now that you've got a hundred in mind. It's just ten hundred dollar bills. So, let's skip to the next stop.
Ten thousand bucks.
Pretty simple. It's one-hundred of those 100-dollar bills. A stripped down economy car, right?
Gets a bit tougher.

Count them. There are ten stacks of 100-hundred dollar bills, a total of:
1000 one-hundred dollar bills.
A total of 100-thousand bucks.
Enough for half of a modest home.
A lot of money?
Just keep reading.
Ten times that 100-thousand bucks is a million.
That's 100 stacks of these:
Now, we're talking. Some good money, here. A HUNDRED of these equals one-MILLION dollars.
Serious money.
Not really, not when you're discussing how much we owe the rest of the world.
We owe 14-trillion dollars.
That is, just for giggles,
140-BILLION of these:
140-MILLION of these:
In other words, for what the United States of America OWES our creditors, we could purchase 140 MILLION stripped down compact cars at $10,000 per car.
Beleive me...just trying to keep those zeroes straight was mind boggling.
I'm still having trouble visualing 14-trillion dollars.
All in one area.
This is ONE BILLION dollars.
Imagine, if you can, 1,400 stacks like this.
1,400 ROOMS, large ones, filled with this much money.
That, folks, is 14-trillion dollars.
Every man, woman and child in the United States owes almost 50-thousand dollars...just so the US can be debt free.
I don't know about you, but I'm trying to figure out what those in charge have done for me of late. Someone, it seems, has been asleep at the helm.
And, this ship, the USS America, is headed for a rocky shoreline.
At about 25 knots.
Prepare for Collission!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course, if you're tired of this runaway debt, caused by runaway-giveaway programs, created by those who have never worked for a living in the real world, and perpetuated by accessories before and after the fact, then do something about it. Contact your congressman (there's one for your district) and your senators (there are two in every state), and let them know that they have got to get a handle on this problem. Whenever you hear that either is giving away a check to a worthy and needy group, show up for the grip-and-grin photograph session. Ask them what they're going to do to fix our problem. Take like-minded friends and relatives with you. Until those we have "sent to Washington"actually believe that we are sick and tired of this crap, they will continue doing business as usual.
And, if you really want to get their goats, ask for copies of all of their expense receipts. They're public record. And, you're entitled to see them. You will be amazed and ticked off when you find out what expenses you're paying for. Trips, also known as junkets or fact-finding missions, cost us an arm and a leg. I doubt you'll find many McDonald receipts. Bet you'll find some fine dining restaurant receipts, though. That is, unless the bureaucrats are successful in sweet-talking you to death. They'll stall, count on it. One excuse after another until you, they hope, just get tired of waiting. All it takes is one hard headed bulldog constituent, one willing to aggravate those folks in Washington until they, not you, are worn down. Then, once you get it, share it. On Facebook. On Twitter. With your local newspaper or friendly television reporter.
And, if you have the guts to produce the info you get on Facebook, make sure you have searched for and befriended your congressman and senators, as well as local reporters. They read that stuff. Or, at least, their staffs read it. It can be a lot of fun and, if nothing else, serve as an outlet for you. As Sgt Joe Friday of Dragnet fame regularly said, "just the facts". Facts will get them every time.
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