Monday, August 1, 2011

Are your ready to get ticked off? Look who we're supporting.

Not every person getting money from "The System" is taking advantage of "The System". But, for folks like the idiot appearing on a Judge Judy episode, it kinda makes my blood boil. If you have the time, check out the clip. I'm not sure how much of it you can take. Best to have the kids, spouse, and your dogs AWAY FROM THE HOUSE while you're looking at it. No need to teach them any new words. You might also lock up your guns and likker. But, keep the 2012 elections in mind while watching. 

There are oh, so-so-SO many deserving, hard-working young and older-than-young folks who are trying to better themselves. People who actually want to make a better life for their families. These are the kinds of people who deserve a chance, even a second chance.

When the world's biggest jerk...the guy on Judge Judy...opens his mouth, it just makes me want to slap somebody. And, to think that local and state governments, along with the ever-so-holy blood-suckers in Washington, throw hard-earned taxpayers' money away to such idiots...I just don't know. I really don't know.

They've been battling in Washington for many months, according to the top stories on the evening news, looking at ways to cut expenses. An effort, the GOP says, to curb costs, save money. Trying to compromise on a budget plan of in-action.


If you haven't figured it out, yet, let me s'plain. They've been playing POLITICS! With OUR money. What have they achieved? They kept us on the edge of our seats, wondering whether the government was going to shut down. Whether there would be wholesale slaughter in the budgets for education, police and fire. Never, ever, did I hear any discussions about fixing the 70-thousand dollar boondoggles like the one depicted in the Judy video. The politicians who orchestrated this most recent absurdity on Capitol Hill could have directed and produced a Steven Spielbird thriller. Exciting to the very last minute. Just in the nick of time, they saved the day. Much like the western hero in silent films rescuing the chick tied to the train tracks.

Bravo Sierra. To all of them. And, to you and me for believing that they are helping us.

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