Thursday, August 4, 2011

Corn, Ethanol, Gasoline, Subsidies. E15.

Unless you're a boating enthusiast, a corn grower, an antique car might not understand what the big deal is over the ethanol boondoggle. It might not even affect you. At least, you might not think so.

For any number of years, boaters and marine mechanics have experienced the effect this corn based fuel has had. And, I am one of those. To the tune of a few thousand dollars, just for two outboard motors. And, now, I'm having to replace the fule lines on a leaf blower. Along with it's gas tank.

Let's see if I can explain it the way that Bill, a most knowledgeable outboard motor mechanic, explains it. Forgive me if I don't get all the facts exactly straight, but this is somewhat the way it goes:
  • Ethanol goes through a process called Phase Separation. That's where the corn-fuel begins to separate into gasoline and alcohol. Doesn't happen overnight, but it begins to happen overnight.
  • Alcohol, as we learned in basic chemistry classes...and by practical experience...absorbs water.
  • Water is heavier than gasoline. Something we learned in elementary school. Most of us, anyway.
  • Being heavier, the water sinks to the bottom of your gasoline tank.
  • Fuel pick-up tubes take this water-laden substance we thought was gasoline, and sends it straight to your motors.
  • Then, the fun begins. I can't even go into all the mechanics, other than to tell you that it will play havoc with your injectors and carbs.
  • Another by-product of a gas-alcohol-water concoction is that it cleans out deposits in your gas tank. Natural deposits left behind when real gasoline was used. Deposits that adhere themselves to your tank's bottom and sides. Stuff that became SOLIDS over the years. Solids that clog up fuel filters and carbs when it breaks up and is pumped from your tank. Carbureators, in case you don't know, have lots of very tiny orifices. They're set up to mix fuel and air in just the right way to give you some fire in the engine. Plugging up even a small part of any orifice results in poor, or no, performance. Think of it like plaque in your blood vessels. Slows the blood flow. When it breaks off, as chunks, it can do bad things should it head for the brain.
  • Another wonderful by-product of ethanol is that it tends to eat away, from the inside, older gas lines. Yep. You can't see it happening. Those primer bulbs? Yep, those, too. The insides of those lines and bulbs head straight for, you guessed it, the carbs.
We pretty much know my feelings for this grain gas. Haven't met many boaters who don't feel the same way. And, your Congress has passed a law that allows an even HIGHER concentration of alcohol in our gas! All I can say is that there must be a lot of corn money going into their campaign war chests. Even the EPA has warned against the use of this so-called E15 fuel in cars made before 2007, and insists on a warning label at pumps proclaiming it "might damage other vehicles", as well. And, they further warn, "Federal law prohibits its use in other vehicles and engines". Yeah. Like lawn mowers, leaf blowers, snow blowers, tractors.

Tractors? Hope those corn growers in Iowa have fun with ethanol in their tractors. All I can say is that they'd better be using lots of fuel stabilizer, water-fuel separator filters...and, they might consider replacing their fuel lines. Or, they can take a lesson from the Amish.

Now, what should we do? Watching TV, who can help but not see those lawyer ads solicting those who have taken almost any drug, had a loved one who experienced any side effects or death, after taking pretty much any drug on the market. Those guys are doing class action suits left and right. The thought comes to me: Why can't we find a law firm to file a class action suit against the producers of ethanol? They could advertise on TV and in boating magazines. Have you or members of your family had to cough up their hard earned money to have their engines repaired or replaced because of ethanol? I think I'm onto something here. I know some lawyers. I even know a lawyer with a boat. And, I can help him write the spots. I even have pictures!

Corn growers of Iowa! Beware. We're uniting, and we're coming after you and the ethanol industry!

And, in case you're not ticked off by now, the ethanol industry has been getting SIX BILLION DOLLAR tax credits every year. Looks like democrats and republicans are united, for once, and have decided that should be no more. The White House, though, is opposed to dumping those subsidies. Go figure. Must be a lot of voters in Iowa.

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