Monday, July 25, 2011

Hey, Mr. Congressman. Your mailbox is full. Hellloooo, Rep Jones. Are you awake?

So, last week, I get an e-mail from my congressman. Not just me, of course, it was one of those mass e-mailings proclaiming how hard my congressman was working for me. For us.

On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 4:12 PM, Rep. Walter Jones <> wrote:

Dear Friend,
In the wake of the ongoing debate on the Federal Debt Ceiling many people have been contacting my offices asking for a good source of unbiased, current information on the subject. Frankly, our country is faced with making a selection between a number of unpleasant options, so having information upon which to judge those options is more important than ever.
How much of our current budget is being funded by taxes, and how much by new borrowing? What happens if we do not raise the debt ceiling? What happens if the debt ceiling is raised without dealing with the underlying causes of the rising debt? What happens if we default on our debt?
The House Republican leadership recently invited Jerome Powell - former Undersecretary of Treasury in the George H.W. Bush Administration - to present members of Congress with a nonpartisan debt limit analysis, and to present a fact-based look at what consequences our country will be facing without a resolution to the current budget crisis.
I am linking to the report here, so that the people of Eastern North Carolina can fully understand the magnitude of the current situation. I urge you to read the report and share this information with your friends and loved ones.
Walter B. Jones
Member of Congress (NC-03)

Well. I thought I'd reply. With a few comments of my own.

All of this is well and good. Well, not really....
Or, should it be "butt".
We see and hear little about what our representatives, those we so blindly elect and re-elect, are doing to reduce our overall debt.
A token amount here. A token amount there. And, the debt keeps getting bigger. And, bigger.
As the song goes,
another day older and deeper in debt. That's us. All of us.
Many, if not most, of us could appreciate the work that you and you cohorts are doing.
we could see something done about the millions upon milions of our tax dollars subsidising illegal aliens. What part of illegal is causing you guys in Washington problems?
we could see positive steps toward protecting our borders from foreign invaders (aka, illegals).
we could understand why there's a single budget item for foreign aid. I can appreciate why it's necessary to keep in the good graces of some deserving countries, those who actually support the United States. But, for the life of me, I don't see why we should send my tax dollars to Venezuela or Pakistan. Help this country kid out a bit. Isn't Pakistan the place that was protecting...whether that government, or ours, for that matter, admits it or not...that ruthless public enemy number one, Usama Bin Killed? If they harbor one piece of crap, they're likely harboring others. And, they're using MY money to do it.
Congressman, with all due respect, or at least as much as I can stomach, I do not see that we're getting our money's worth. More than 225 years ago, our forefathers decided the same thing. Their battle cry was Taxation Without Representation. I can't see a difference. The voices in this country are not being heard, but we're certainly being taxed. Nearly to death. And, actually, beyond death.

Some serious positive steps, even though they might not mean a heckuva lot in the Big Picture, would certainly help restore some confidence in our leaders.

I heard, again, the other day that old joke:
What's the difference between the citizens of the United States and the Boy Scouts of America?  The Boy Scouts have adult leaders.

Sad, but too true.

Raeford Brown
A 3rd District Constituent who is just about fed up.
To here.

What do I get in return? One of those notices that:

Delivery has failed to these recipients or distribution lists:
Rep. Walter Jones
The recipient's mailbox is full and can't accept messages now. Microsoft Exchange will not try to redeliver this message for you. Please try resending this message later, or contact the recipient directly.

I did try resending the message. The next day. Got the same response. Not just me, as I learned. At least one other subject sent a note and got the same response. I can deduce that either the good congressman from the Third District doesn't read his e-mails, doesn't clear his e-mail box, or doesn't give a rip about his constituents. Maybe he just doesn't care for me.

Of course, there could be some sort of electronic problem in Washington, but seeing as how Al Gore invented the internet, I'm sure that is not the case.

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