Friday, December 31, 2010

Immigration...what happend?

"Every immigrant who comes here should be required within five years to learn English or leave the country". Theodore Roosevelt
You remember him, right?  He was quoted a lot, and I like a lot, if not most (perhaps even all) of the ones I've read.

Imagine. A hundred years ago. A no nonsense president. Yeah, me too. I have no idea what happened after that. Well, with a few, a VERY few, notable exceptions, our leaders of the past hundred years have been mostly forgettable. Oh, how I wish that the legacies they left behind could be forgettable. Along with the mess they, and our other elected representatives, left us with. Ever notice how much legislation is proposed/adopted with every change of the leadership, legislation that is meant to straighten out the legislation that was adopted before?

I think it's high time that we, as I've said before, get back to the basics. The Constitution. It's the framework of our great nation. Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Obama. It is a great nation, and nothing you do during your one term will change that. This great nation is made up of people, people who have become, thanks to the Obama-ites, much more aware of how important it is to remain strong. People who are sick and tired of working hard to support those who aren't. People who have had all they are going to take.

The Constitution. It contains, without further ado, the basics needed to run this nation. All of the interpretations are unncessary. A few amendments, of course, have been needed to keep up with the times. But, the basics need not be changed. They're in place for a reason, and they've served us well for a long time. They'll continue to serve us well as long as meddling idiots leave it alone. It's kind of like cooking a big pot of homemade soup and having meddling people start adding "stuff" to it. Most often, it ends up in the back yard where only my daughter's dogs will eat it (inside joke to see if she actually reads this).

From the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin of Ontario, California: California Supreme Court upholds decision to allow ILLEGAL aliens the right to in-state tuition. That means, folks, that LEGAL residents who pay TAXES are paying the tuitions for ILLEGAL aliens who don't pay taxes. What the heck is this all about?

And, to make matters worse, adding salt to an open wound, California's budget has, shall I dare say, problems. Too many giveaway programs, along with the infracture required to support the ILLEGAL alien population. Infracture, you ask?  Yep. The jails, for one. Widely publicized and verified figures show that ILLEGALS commit a lot of crime, and that the jails and prisons are housing, at TAXPAYER expense, ILLEGALS by the thousands. What a double dose of castor oil this is! First, the crimes committed against LEGAL residents, resulting in loss of property, damage to property, loss of life, and serious injury. Follow this up with a heaping spoonful of "we caught 'em, at great expense to the LEGAL taxpayers, and we're gonna provide them with a warm/cool place to rest up, along with two or three square meals a day, the expense of LEGAL taxpayers".  Bravo Sierra, I say.

And, as another writer has pointed out, we're bending over backwards to be ever so freakin' politically correct (two words, when used together, that just irritate me to no end), that we fail to take care of our own. Kids of LEGAL residents go to bed hungry every night. We have senior citizens that even our president (and, yes, I'm using a lower case "p" for the rest of his one term) has abandoned. We have thousands of kids waiting for adoption in this country. But, they take a back seat to the wants of ILLEGAL aliens.  We have hospitals who have to raise their rates so LEGAL taxpayers and insurance companies can pay for the FREE care provided to ILLEGAL aliens.

At some point in time, the real citizens are going to stand together and take this country back. We managed to take control more than 200 years ago. Seems like we're facing the same problem our forefathers faced at that time. It was called Taxation Without Representation. Please, if you can, explain to me the difference today. We pay taxes, and I certainly don't see that we, the taxpayers, are being represented. We've come beyond taking up arms to kick the bums out, but we certainly have another way of doing just that. It started in November 2010. The bums are fewer in number. With any luck, another bunch will get the boot next go 'round. And, of course, the symbolic head of the bums will be gone. The bookies should have a field day with that one, just figuring out what the odds will be for the "point spread".

I told a very good friend earlier today that I was not going to say anything too "not nice" about anyone until after the new year. Ok, so sue me. I couldn't help myself.

2010, politically speaking, ended a little better. And, I'm counting on 2011 being a pretty cool year as the inept start running for cover. You can be on the lookout for articles and pictures of your congressman returning even more of your stolen money (tax dollars) to his/her district. It's called, any way you look at it, vote buying money.

Here's hoping that all of us LEGALs have a Happy New Year. And, for the ILLEGALs, either leave this country and come back LEGALLY, or just leave and stay gone. We don't want you here unless you do it the right way.

1 comment:

  1. Wish Teddy Roosevelt and his wisdom were still around -- or at least some wisdom. Perhaps it can still be found -- Gotta have hope!
