Saturday, January 22, 2011

Drunk as a monkey, a skunk, an elephant, a warthog??? Bottom's up,ya'll.

Along comes e-mails, from time to time, that just crack me up.

Such as the one I recently recived, complete with a snippet of a French produced documentary. Below, read the info about the video. And, if you watch it, and don't find it as funny as I did, then you get double your money back.


This is a real video (2 min. 49 seconds) from a French
documentary about  Africa . You may not understand a word, not
that you really need to.

There is a tree that grows in  Africa which, once a year,
produces very juicy fruits that contain a large percentage
of alcohol. The tree is known as the "Elephant Tree,"
because elephants have a fondness for the fruit. Because
here is a shortage of water, as soon as the fruits are
ripe, animals come there to help protect themselves from the

What happens next, you can see for yourselves!
The tree is the Marula tree. You can buy a liqueur named
"Amarula," made with Marula fruit and cream.

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