Monday, February 28, 2011

Gas Prices are ridiculous. Dead man walking???

President Reagan tried. Back in the late 1980's. On April 14th of 1986, to be exact. The bombs and missiles missed old Muammar Khadaffi (there are several prublished spellings for his first and last names), but they took out a bunch of his relatives. And, it sent Khadaffi running for a hole. Kept him there for a long time, too. Libyan terrorism wasn't so loud after the 14th. And, I thanked the President for that birthday gift. Too bad that the Italians tipped off Libya about the U.S. plans. We really need to learn to keep our secret missions secret.

Well, the fine folks of Libya, Khadaffi's people, are tired of him, tired of his ridiculous ruler-ship. They have seen a better world beyond their borders, beyond Khadaffi and his Band of Thugs. Unfortunately, for much of the world, their unhappiness has sent the price of oil up, up and away. Not sure that I understand why. Seems that the oil-price-dictators look for any excuse to rob us.

No doubt, Khadaffi is a dead man walking. His days are numbered. Since the great American guru has told the Libyan dictator that he needs to go away, I'm betting that someone, somewhere, will take that to mean there's a price on his head. Khadaffi has lived a quarter century longer than he should have. If our surgical strikes of 1986 couldn't get the job done, I'm betting that a bounty will bring out the best of today's mercs.

Ok, now that we're fixed that dictatorial problem, gas prices should start plummetng, right? After all, the unrest caused them to skyrocket, so--using Sherlock Holmes' deductive reasoning techniques--when the source of the unrest is laid to rest, they should come down. Let me know when that happens.

Perhaps it is high time to search for the gas price dictators. Perhaps our problems don't originate in nothing countries like Libya with nothing leaders like Khadaffi. Perhaps the great American guru should call for the gas price dictators to step down. With a simple wink-wink, he could put out a contract for one or all of those guys. I'll bet that the price of gasoline would become much more reasonable, at least by today's standards.

In case you have done little more than complain about the HUGE jump in pump prices, let me help you out in the math arena. If you use 20 gallons of gas per week, the increase over the last two weeks, alone, will cost you a whopping $400 MORE for the year. Now, I'm not sure how many 20-gallon-per week drivers there are out there, but you can just imagine how much MORE we're going to spend this year, all because of the gas price dictators.

Now, about that wink-wink-contract...

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