Friday, February 4, 2011

An Irish Wish, The Weather, Cantore, POTUS

All sorts of stuff makes the internet rounds.

I hope you read it all, believe almost nothing you read, and laugh at what you want.

Ok. That's about as deep as I choose to get on this rainy, gloom-filled evening in February.


Regardless of what the weather geeks predict, the groundhog and I agree.
Spring is gonna show up early.

He said "early".
I said, even before he "announced" the early arrival of spring, that it would actually arrive TWO WEEKS early in 2011. least the history I choose to remember...has shown that it is "unseasonably" warm (that's a weather guy's thing) for several days near Valentine's Day (hey, guys...that's the 14th of February. Do NOT be stupid and forget it until the last minute and grab a silk rose from a convenience store on the way have been warned!).

Well, we got that warm-up a bit early. About two weeks early. And, for those of us in the sunny south, in Jacksonville NC, where it almost nevah snows, we had SLEET and freezing rain (yes, there is a difference, but they're both cold) on the evening of 4 December (I was on my boat in the Jacksonville Flotilla and can attest to that, whether Cantore believes it, or not...and, yes, I know him...did you see him in the thunder snowstorm?), plus two...count them...TWO snowfalls in December and January. It has been a rather miserable winter.

But, using my math (Mrs. Hardison would be proud), spring WILL arrive two weeks early.

For those of us who like to fish, that means we will be catching spanish mackerel in mid April. The water temperature must hit 68 degrees before the little buggers come close to shore.

Mark my word. It will happen. Not long after April Fool's Day. Around the anniversary of my birth. This year. Bet a buck on it.

Now, back to the Irish Fiendship you thought I had forgotten, right?

An Irish Friendship Wish
May there always be work for your hands to do;
May your purse always hold a coin or two;
May the sun always shine on your windowpane;
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;
May the hand of a friend be always near you;
May God fill your heart with kindness to cheer you;
And may you be in Heaven a half hour before the devil knows you’re dead!

Best to all for the Superbowl weekend. And, just be as glad as I that Chicago is not there. It means that POTUS will stay home (his home for a little while, anyway), and save us a LOT of tax dollars. Several MILLION dollars, in fact. Doubt that? I can do the math, if you wish.
And, for you, my Secret Service friend...stay safe.

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