Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pirates Kill 4 Americans

"Negotiations had been under way to try to win the release of the two couples on the pirated vessel Quest when the gunfire was heard".

You've got to be kidding me! We're "negotiating" with the likes of scums? Why? And, why in the world did U.S. forces capture 13 of the so-called pirates? Two were killed, according to reports. But, we captured 13. That means we have to house them, support them, provide them free legal services, tie up our courts for years and years to come. They are pirates. Piracy on the high seas is punishable by death. Immediate death.

The two couples aboard the sailing yacht Quest were on a peace mission, a religious mssion. They were handing out Bibles to folks who wanted them. Until the Somali pirates took over their vessel.

One of the pirates was being interviewed by the Associated Press, via telephone, apparently minutes before the hostages were killed.

"Some pirates have even suggested rigging the yacht with land mines and explosives so as the whole yacht explodes with the first gunshot," said the pirate, who gave his name as Abdullahi Mohamed, who claimed to be a friend of the pirates holding the four Americans.

Oh, goodie. Abdullahi Mohamed. Another peaceful muslim. Funny way of promoting peace, don't you think? And, here we are, John Smith, Gertrude Jones. Americans with U.S. issued driver's licenses, Amercans in their 70's, 80's, 90's. Forced to remove their shoes, and forced to endure the indignity of being sexually assaulted when they prepare to board an airplane to visit their grandchildren. Why? Because we are not allowed to profile, we cannot target the folks who so hate Americans and our way of life.

It's high time we get real in this country. It's high time that the lilly-livered, spinless examples of leaders we keep electing get the royal boot. It's time that we, as true Americans, those with True Grit, stand tall, as did John Wayne (American), and take back the country our forefathers so bravely fought to establish and then to preserve in wars dating back more than 200 years.

It's time that we stop taking prisoners.  

1 comment:

  1. I too was amazed that there were prisoners "taken". If I had been in charge of that operation I would have taken them to the 1000 fathom mark, bid them adieu, wished them good luck finding all those virgins, marched them off the stern of the boat and ordered, "ALL BACK, FULL!"
