Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Good Mom

You gotta give it to Bev Perdue, North Carolina's first female governor. She's a good mom. Seems like she's a better mom than she is a governor. She certainly has looked out for her baby boy, Garrett. He's a lawyer. Oh, yeah. One of those. And, he's working for ex-Governor Jim Hunt at Womble Carlyle, the state's largest law firm. His position? He's on the firm's economic incentives team.

Cool. Nice spot. He landed that gig shortly after Bev took office a couple years back. The governor does a lot of grip and grin photos at ribbon cutting extravaganzas for companies she has encouraged to come to the state, using economic incentives. Not sure how much these incentives cost us, but it's likely more than a buck-ninety-eight. Of course, the company that benefits from this is that law firm that Lawyer Perdue works for.

Interesting to note that our Head of State (you do know that a head on a boat is the toilet, right?), Governor Mom, vetoed Senate Bill 13, the one calling for a balanced budget, one that would reclaim unspent economic funds.


Young Perdue, as one might expect, says he would "...never, never abuse my relationship with the governor, or hold myself out as having an advantage because of my relationship to the governor, ever."

Hey, Garrett. Don't you dare forget Mother's Day in May. If you do, it could cost you your job.

1 comment:

  1. At least she didn't spend $73,000,000.00 like our Florida Gov. Scott spent,yes, out of his pocket. Then in California I think it's the record,$146,000,000,00 was spent out of pocket, but she lost to be governor. What was her name? Dog gone, she sure wasted her dollars with me,but what it makes me ask. Why would anyone spend that much out of pocket millions of dollars?
    Maybe, that's why the good governor's son was hired by the the good law firm. Cause she has the power. It's all about power...used for good,or abused.
