Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wonder What Took So Long...and how many "days, not weeks" it will take to deal with Scum-Daffy

Libya. Gadhafi, one of several spellings used by the media, is at the center of a bullseye. But, he's been there before. 1986, it was, on 14 April, when U.S. warplanes tried to send him to wherever dead people of his faith  go. They got some of Scum-Daffy's relatives, but he was tipped off by an unnamed country (Turkey) and he ran for cover. Forgot to take along his kin folks. But, he survived. Didn't hear much from him for a while, but it turns out that he was one of those behind the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 just two years later.
So, what's happening today? The French (can you even  believe  that?) decided, along with other countries, that enough was enough. They took action, joining Libyan rebels in trying to get rid of Gadhafi and his band of vermin.

The U.S. Obama Administration didn't want to get involved. At first. But, as it became politically popular to join the Bash Gadaffi Faction, Obama decided to change horses. The United States didn't lead the charge on this one, and I guess that makes us look better. More passive, less aggressive.

If Gadahafi is a bad guy, and he needs spanking, I can't for the life of me see why we should wait for the French to decide it's ok. If we want him removed from power, neutralized, then why didn't we just get the job done? Oh, I guess it's because our current administration wants to see which way the wind is blowing before taking action. You have to remember that this is a president with no credentials. A great big ZERO in that department. He's a president that did not think he could do any wrong. That anything he did was ok, because he was "the man".

Then, along came last November. And, the very real possibility that he was going to go the way of Jimmy Carter and George Bush (the first one), and get the boot after one term.  It must have been a scary time for the inexperienced Administration. Guys who had never dealt with real life. People who have jobs simply because the American public was sold a bill of goods.

In 2008, we had, so we thought, the great saviour. Our economic woes were going to be a thing of the past. It was going to be good times again. How'd that work out?

Now, stuck with a disillusioned America, and an economy that is tanking, no way to keep any promises made that got him to Washington, the top dog needs something to show he is really "the man". Waiting for an opportunity, the unrest in Libya looked pretty good. Not to his staffers, mind you. They were still working on the Obama Premise. "Don't do anything effective". Just work on matters that will "equalize America". Interpreted, that means those who have worked hard to earn what they've got must share with those who didn't.

Oh, and the man ordered the U.S. attack without even notifying Congress. He sent them a note two days afterwards. Better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission.

Nothing but a political opportunity, no doubt.

All of the bombs we're dropping, and missiles we're launching, and the fuel we're burning...and, the military maintains that Gadhafi, himself, is not their target. They do not have orders to kill him. They're just enforcing a no fly zone.  Right. To protect civilians, they say. And, Obama tells us we will  get out in "days, not weeks".  Didn't work in VietNam, hasn't worked in Iraq, ain't gonna work in Libya. If we do, indeed, take our toys and come home in a few days, or even a few weeks, and Scum-Daffy is still alive, the rebels and civilians will be at his mercy. Unless and until he's dispatched, the problem will not go away.

Here's something to think about. Have you noticed the ragtag rebels? They have rocket-propelled-grenades and other military armament. Yes, it's likely outdated. And, for sure, they don't know how to use it. But, they've got it. I do wonder where they got it. And, if they are successful, with the help of foreign invaders like the French and Americans, who's to say they're not going to be a force to reckon with in the near future. It's happened before, and it will, no doubt, happen again.

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